OpenSourcePhoto hit another landmark today! 6000 members! Can you believe that!
Thanks to all of you who have made OSP what it is. Over the years it has changed a lot and that is a GREAT thing. Even though it was wonderful when there was just 10 of us it was also kind of a ghost town and in the first 6 months of OSP's existence we had 279 posts TOTAL and now just four years later there are 6000 OSPers making 500 posts a day!
...another amazing stat is that over 2,700 OSPers have contributed which is ABSOLUTELY UNHEARD OF in a democratized community like this! You've all heard of the 80/20 rule...well in social networking there is something called the 1% rule which states that 1% of the users in a social network usually create all the content.

I think we've blown this stat away because of the patience, love, and grace that OSPers have for one another and for how accepting we are of new photographers entering our community. This is something we must keep as a core value of our community and I want to invite the 3,280 members of OSP who haven't gotten up the courage to make their first post to stick your toe in the warm water.
Much love!
p.s. I'm also really happy that we have been able to keep OSP 100% FREE and not have any advertising or moderators! All of this is possible because all of you have adopted it as your own! Keep rocking!
Holllllla!! You know I looove how much you do for the community...you're always an inspiration! :)
Don't get me wrong, I think OSP is a valuable resource, but I think it would be better if it DID have moderators.
And, if those moderators had to be paid either by advertising revenue or membership fees, that wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing.
Just my $0.02
Congrats DJ! It will only be a matter of time before Showitfast has those kind of numbers! Thanks for bringing so many together!
AMAZING! So proud of you DJ! I remember when hitting 1000 was the most amazing thing of the year now look at it!! Wow!
It's kinda cool being the 50th member too!
This forum is truly amazing and a gift.
Not to point the finger, but as a member of other digital wedding forums that shall remain nameless,
:-), that charge fore membership, and seem to pride themselves in clickish cronism, and myopic thinking, it's always such a positive breath of fresh air to come here, and be unconditionally encouraged and inspired.
You are a rare and gifted leader.
You know, I have been getting more into the online scene recently and I think that it's AWESOME that there is such an amazing network already set up for me to explore! So, thanks DJ for all your hard work paying off for me! :)
It's your coolness that keeps us all coming back. :)
Isn't it funny...seems like yesterday we were having our "race to 500" membership drive. LOL
Keep rockin' dude!
haha Dan - it's definitely not my coolness b/c I'm only on there a little bit each day so It must be YOUR coolness!
Nah...DJ...I'm the reason you're not at 10,000! LOL
Before I joined OSP, I visited a few other forums... Some people were so MEAN to other people!!
For example, there was a photo contest on one forum, in which people could comment on the photos. There were some amazing photos, and a few not so great. On the "bad" photos, some people said, "This is an awful shot." "This is the worst photo ever." I was like WOW... worst photo EVER?? That is SO not constructive or nice at ALL!
Just started posting on OSP like a week ago, and everyone who has answered my questions have been so wonderful... I hope I can give back to them somehow. Someday, hopefully, some of us can give back to YOU somehow for all you have done for us. (Other than givin you our money for awesome tools such as ShowIt Web, of course:))
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