Last night we went to a halloween party! Allie decided to just wear my old Ninja Gi. I'm guessing that not many of you knew this but I am actually a Ninja and I'm not really supposed to tell people that so don't tell anyone. Allie pulled off a pretty good Ninja....except the shiny jewelry. A true Kunoichi (Female Ninja) would wear jewelry but not along with their Gi because it would affect their ability to be invisible.
Enough about that! We had a blast and last night I also shot these pictures with my new Canon 50mm f/1.0 - WOW! This lens is like magic! The top one was showing the clouds below my house at night and how the city lights make them glow...and the color shot of Allie was shot with only the light from her laptop at 400 ISO - 1/60th - at f/1.0

amazing lens DJ. ps... check your email from me.
We just had a costume party as well. You gotta check out the pics on my blog.
The POWER of the LENS. Sweeeeet!
Hey I took that party picture :) Great hanging out with you guys the other night!
ive never even heard of this lens, but it seems to work wonders. I'm glad we finally got to see the mystery woman, who is just beautiful i might add!
Jealous! My husband and I wanted to be Ninja's one year, and we couldn't even find a good costume online! You'd think a ninja costume would be easy to find!
She's gorgeous, and even just by looking at the photo in the previous post, she just looks genuinely nice! And, you guys are WAY cute together.
WAY cute.
Ok.. I'm jealous now DJ.. I totaly want that lens.
Thanks everyone! Yea! The lens is sweet and Allie is so beautiful! You'll see more pics of her I'm sure. :)
email me, sheeeet.
Hello David !
Do you remember me ? I'm Ludi from France...
At the stage you tell us that is very important to create our own blog, so... look at this :
Tell me what to you think of it...
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