...and awkward high school dance poses. lol :)
It's always so fun to come home and go through my old stuff.
I found some pretty funny soccer videos too. I'm gonna try and get them digitized so I can put them online and show you guys.
I'm back with the Showit Crew and we are cranking. No rest for the wicked. I guess it is still a holiday but we are doing the coolest stuff so I'm glad we got to connect up here in AZ.
I never knew you were so crafty....look at those pages. How special! : )
you should make you're wedding albums look like that. Nice jeans for the dance!
Who needs Beckham in America when we have DJ? Happy Thanksgiving DJ!
LOL what a looker, DJ! Nice red shirt :)
i'm pretty sure that i wore the same thing to sadies in high school. ugh!
That's hilarious DJ. Definitely one of the best awkward poses I've seen in a while.
what does MORP stand for?
Jen Combe! She looks like she is your aunt or something.
Go Dobson.
hahaha I love the matching outfits!!!
ha ha... "rumble in the jungle"
we're going to have our own rumble in the jungle in about a month!
Is that a mullet? Nice!!!
haha! I didn't put the hearts on there you idiots!!! lol .... and no that's not a mullet!
....I had a bowl cut!
We had MORP too!
We didn't have a formal homecoming though, so MORP was our semi-formal. Awkward poses included.
At least you parted your bowl cut. That meant you had a little style, at least. Haha! :)
I thought the matching red shirts were an accident, until I saw the plaid ones! Ahahaha! Too funny, TFS! :)
Jay saves the day! That should be your slogan, LOL! Cool that you kept those clips from the papers.
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