So on Tuesday the owners of SmugMug came down to hang at the Freedom House and we had a bunch of my friends (who just happen to be insane photographers:) come up for 6 hours of hard core discussion about some of the big needs in the wedding market. SmugMug has been doing an incredible job in the pro-sumer space and when my buddy Rodrigo from CoutureBook introduced me to them a year ago I was baffled because I noticed right away that the level of service they offer to their 100,000 clients is better than anything I saw professionals getting and they were doing it at a fraction of the cost.
So we started throwing ideas around and getting groups together to brainstorm how we could meet some of these needs and I've been beyond impressed. Expect some incredible things from them in the months to come and be sure to find them at WPPI. I think they will be in the booth of the new pro lab they are partnering with. Some of you know who that lab is!
As I get ready for their new PRO release I've already started putting my weddings up there AS WELL as all my personal photos AND video! SmugMug is one of the only solutions that will store an unlimited amount of full resolution photos and video with no compression which I love b/c now I never even keep it on my hard drive. I just store it there and then when I need it I can just download it.
so good to see you DJ!! even though my neck is KILLING me because of it ;) hahah... can't wait for the PRO, i just emailed all my clients and told them i'm switching from Pictage to SMP =) they're so stoked!!
Looking forward to seeing who they have lined up for a pro-lab. I love some of their features and their current lab is the only reason I keep my P and Zen accounts active.
All I can think is, "who is that EXTREMELY hot guy sitting on the floor?!?!?!"
Is that weird?
I have absolutely LOVED working with SmugMug!! They are FANTASTIC! YEAH... I can't wait to see what is coming in the future... oh the possibilities!
Insane photographers? Count me in!
What's up with the ghost in the center of the room?!? ;)
Yeah - that was fun! I'm excited for the possibilities. :)
I don't know what you're talking about Jasmine. I don't see anything or anybody. :P
What a great day. Thanks again DJ for being a great host. We soaked up every minute of it!
I see the ghost. Or illusion of it. Look dead center above the lady in the white shirt. Just stare for a few seconds.... It's pretty weird.
I've been using SmugMug for awhile now, I just hope they don't change the price!
Plug: I started with smugmug as my main site...yes...and for design reasons switched to SIS, but I could not part with smugmug...they have those killer locked galleries...additionally, my clients (friends) can go online and purchase prints, shirts, mugs, etc...w/o me having to do a thing...also, their customer service is ridiculously awesome...I have a link to my smugmug via my SIS...it's crucial!!!
i'd like to see what they come up with, as I just simply cannot get past the name 'SmugMug' as something professional!
wow- didn't realize a ghost was sitting next to/above me during the entire meeting! haha
Thanks for being the always gracious host dj :)
I love my Smug account. First and foremost to me is customer service and they are fantabulous. Someone has already posted to the Digital Grin forums asking what the big news will be in regard to new PRO service. I'm all giddy now.
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