So today I was sitting on the chair chatting with someone and all of a sudden I hear the fingers of fire going on the laptop next to me and sure enough it's Jasmine going to town. I don't know how this girl does it - she's amazing. She just launched her first workshop and she was telling me how nervous she was wondering if anybody would sign up and I just rolled my eyes because there is nobody in this industry who I'd rather learn from than her and it seems that a lot of other people thought the same thing because her workshop sold out in a few hours and it's gonna be amazing.
I've gotten the chance to spend a lot of time with her over the past couple of years and every time I'm around her I feel challenged - loved - and just flat out thankful that her and JD are in my life. It takes a lot to wow me but I really can say with all my heart that I am in awe at what she's done...and I think her husband's pearly white smile has something to do with her success but I dunno. ;)
i was totally bummed when i visited her site...duh...it's sold out! like if that wouldn't happen :)
i love all you all support each other in the photography industry!
big up to j*
She's so cute. I love how humble she is and so down to earth.
Pretty much awesome in every way :D
I think I'm in love with Jasmine Star. Seriously need a 10 step program.
Pay it forward. ;)
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