Sunday, January 04, 2009

I wrote a poem

2008 was great!

I had so much fun
and got so much done
it's all on the blog
so the memories will never be gone. :P

I traveled here - there - everywhere!
On the little bus I rode
Having the time of my life
in my typical mode

Adventure after adventure
Always more to be had
I needed a fix
really really bad

I never foresaw the pain
I would see in my own eyes
because I made progress the goal
and results the prize

It's hard to let go
so much was lost
my idea of success
came at too high of a cost

I've learned so many lessons
through my usual route
trial and error - then prayer
seriously devout!

Now I have another chance
as I start the new year
to create something real
another type of career

Lots of work to be done
it's of a new kind
I'm leaving behind the gold
it's now my soul to be mined.


Aaron Dieppa said...

Nice poem David! I'm sure you're pretty busy but if you get a chance check out It's a website dedicated to the poetry my wife wrote during her battle with cancer. We made this website for her after she passed away in 2006. She was only 23. BTW I'm a photographer and you're a major source of inspiration!

All Made Up said...

That's to cute and clever...I love it...

{rambling} said... are a man after God's own heart!

Kat Willcox said...

You have to know how much your honesty is appreciated and needed. I hope 2009 brings you joy that surpasses all understanding. I seriously think you ROCK!!!

Bobby Earle said...

Ripping!!! Love it, man. I sure think this year is going to be awesome for you :)

Jim Cook said...

That is great. You are evangelizing videos to connect with people. I think you should video yourself rapping to this poem. Make sure you have your bling on! lol

Anonymous said...

Great poem DJ. Everything comes at a cost...and the one thing we can't give up is the soul. Great message.

Unknown said...

dj got skills!

J said...

Does this mean you are leaving photography to become a minister or monk? Hope not... HNY

Splendid! Photography said...

DJ... this is great! I am curious what the new career is? Are you going to share any insight?? Blessings to you on whatever it may be!

Michael + Anna Costa said...

Wow! So many talents!

Julie said...

wow im excited to see where the lord leads you this next year!
as i am starting my business this year, this week actually, thursday.. yikes.. im so excited to take pictures of people in love, people getting married all that joyous stuff, but so many of the people are unhappy right now, with their marriage, stay at home frumpy mom stuff.. kids who cant wait to grow up, im going to make a goal to contact these grumpy, discontented souls and take pictures of them.. try and recapture that first love when they said "I do", capture the beauty in the sacrifice of that stay at home, good bye career "hello monotony!" MAMA, and try to get these pre-teens to cherish some of the simplities and carefree time of their lives, maybe to hold onto their childhood just a little bit longer! just tryign to see where this career could reach others in a different way.. maybe i ate too much chocolate and had not enough sleep

Ginger Murray said...

Good stuff! I especially like the last two lines.
*Cheers* to a new year and new beginnings.

Paige Fellers said...

good to meet you too! I like this poem. thanks for looking at my site. i still can't get over your awesome business card. very unique and creative.

take care,

Deyl said...

you can leave the gold to me. i'll invest it for you

Kevin Kreutz said...

And I'll make sure no one steals the gold, or at least sue whoever tries while I secretly siphon off your gold into my own accounts in countries without names....

Rob Wilson said...

lol love yah but don't quit your day job!

amynave said...

Happy New Years David jay! High Five:)

Shane Snider said...

DJ, couldn't you fit the magical bling in there??? :P

amber dawn said...

Wow...though your poem is 'cute'...I really appreciate you being real. As a 'stay at home mom' and Photographer (I shot with you at KC. Morales' wedding), I find myself trying desperately to reach the lofty business goals I set...but at cost of my baby girl and husband. Thanks for reminding me (and others I'm sure) that there is more to this life than 'bigger and better' things. God definitely has His plans for us...ones that are more 'Bigger & Better' than we can imagine. :) May God Bless you this Year DJ...not just in business, but in wisdom, love and understanding.

Christine Meintjes said...

This is beautiful!

|| davidjay || said...

Thank you all so much for your comments and support this past month. It's been wonderful reading your posts and emails and hearing your thoughts and wisdom. Please keep sharing!

Diane said...

"Another type of career..."
"I'm leaving behind the gold..."
"It's now my soul to be mined"....

Are you becoming a priest? God Bless you if you are; I think that you would be really good at it.


Mike Larson said...

DJ, well said...