One of the things that I read today was that David tried to live his life with "nothing to prove and nothing to lose." I think that's a good message for us as well. It's so easy to get wrapped up in this desire to prove ourself. I think it's really a death trap because if that desire consumes us we will never be able to focus on doing the things we were meant to do.
In skimming ahead in the book I also came across David's three major failures and it was eye opening because these are all areas of my life that I struggle with.
- "He become so involved with public pursuits that he lost control of his family." Of course I don't have a family (yet) but I have at times felt like I've lost my life because of my pursuits and I know how geared I am to pursue these ventures and so this was a good reminder to keep my priorities straight.
- "He indulged himself in extravagent extremes of passion. Whatever he did he did it with all of his heart" This is me to a T. Since I was very little I was an "All-In" sorta kid. Whether it was soccer, magic, paintball, girlfriends, ninjitsu I was 100% into something. My life has never had "balance" and I actually don't seek balance the way most people would define it...but I do understand the importance of having dimensions to ones life that blend together simultaneously.
- "He became a victim of self sufficiency and pride" Yup - me again. Probably the most baffling thing in my life is how cyclical it is and although I feel like I'm making progress I still find myself making the same mistakes I did years ago. I remember talking with my friend Dane Sanders years ago about how great it would be to get to the place where we didn't have to think about the decisions we were making because our gut decisions would be the right ones. Maybe someday I'll get there but until then I need help and reminders of who I am, where I've been, and what I'm about and so I'm always thankful for books, my family and friends and most of all God for continually reminding me of that.
My mom got me that book for my birthday last year ... I should probably read it
I don't think you're supposed to "skim ahead" though :)
great post. thanks for sharing.
one thing i've learned over the years is that "balance" in life, as traditionally defined, isn't what is called of us.
we're called to be extraordinarily UNbalanced and that everything else would fall into place. matt 6:30-34
well said brother!! so true, and i know how hard those three things are =) keep strong and stay the course! you're an awesome guy and He still has so much He's going to use you for! Your humbleness and servants heart are one of a kind ;)
hey dj... thanks for being willing to pass on the stuff God is showing you. another cool book to read about king david is "a tale of three kings". very cool.
A great quote by Swindoll:
"The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life. Attitude, to me, is more important that facts. It is more important than appearance, giftedness, or skill. It will make or break a company...a church...a home. The remarkable thing is we have a choice everyday regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day. We cannot change our past...we cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude. I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it. And so it is with you....we are in charge of our Attitudes." ~ Charles Swindoll
Good stuff. You're always reading great books! I've never read any of Chuck Swindoll's books, but they play his weekly sermons on one of our local radio stations. He always has powerful insights. I wish there was a biblical character named Ginger who I could learn from the same way, ha:)
Have never commented on your blog before, but I just want to tell you how inspiring you are! It is such a comfort to know that you struggle with these thing--and aren't afraid to say it! I love how you are not afraid to share what you believe. Not only are you an amzing photographer--but a truly amazing person! Keep up your awesome work!
Keep in mind, it was his lack of control of 'passion' that lead King David into difficulties. Passion is a good thing but needs to be kept in check. My guess is that you will never outgrow the need for caution in this area. The most important lesson from the life of King David: though he had several serious 'failures' in life including murder, adultery, etc. David is describe as A MAN AFTER GOD'S OWN HEART. That is huge! Though he failed, yet God demonstrated His love for David in many ways. Also, God kept his commitment to keep his lineage on the throne of Israel as can be confirmed through the gospel records in Matthew and Luke.
So, the question is not "Will we fail" but "what will we do when it happens"? David picked himself up, confessed his wrongdoing to God, made a mid-course correction and went on to accomplish even more for God. That is my kinda king.
Right on pops!
Hi DJ,
I'm going to try to make it to your Ohio Gig to meet you. You have been an inspiration for me as I have developed my wedding photography. Look forward to meeting you.
Thanks man for just being you. Not to pump your pride, but you are an encouragement and glimmer of hope for me and countless others. Keep your eyes and heart where they need to be and stay clean and close. Love you man.
Patrick Clough
I heart your honesty. :)
That book is on my shelf DJ- I have the companion workbook that goes along with it, which we studied in a men's bible study group together- really awesome book! You'll love it my brother!
Totally amped to visit Charles Stanley's church when we move to Atlanta next month- who doesn't like that guy huh?
Ok you SERIOUSLY have to read "After God's Own Heart" by Mike Bickle! It is so, so good. It's all about how David was a man who was truly after God's heart and how he only lived with that one thing constantly pushing him! So good! :)
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