Mark Davidson took this shot of me and it was the first time I've given presentations without notes! Kinda scary but it went so well!
Then last night I got to hangout with some wonderful photographers who's businesses are flourishing in this difficult time! Brian McGuckin, Marisa and Nate from Imagen Photos and Mark Davidson are such great people and have seen the power that community will play in succeeding during the upcoming years.
I head home tomorrow morning and am so excited to be back to SB.
Cool, DJ. Hope you had a great time. Did the Barlow's play Alive?
I'm shooting this next weekend in Dallas:
http://www.celebratefreedom.com. Should be fun. Peace, brother :) Blessings for your upcoming tour!!!
Man...we more often see you with a microphone in your hand these days than a camera!!!! ;) We're gonna have to start calling you Zig Ziglar!
No BarlowGirl this year. :(
Yea - haha... I've definitely spoken more than shot over the past 3 years and I'm stoked for my wedding next weekend.
that's right you are... i hear the couple is hot as hades... :) well... the bride is anyway... i actually heard the groom is some gay soccer player... lame
ooh....I want to go to THAT wedding!!
Hi DJ! I finally got to meet you this week at ALIVE! You are a very kind soul! BTW... Sean is very jealous! I am sending a few shots I took to you!
Were the workshops recorded? Would love to hear what you had to say...
Speaking of weddings -- I've got one in Chicago later this year for a Dunkin' Donuts franchisee exec...now that's a wedding DJ should be shooting! LOL
Thanks for your hospitality...AGAIN!
Glad it went well! At least it's easier to talk about something you're passionate about:)
It was great hanging out! See you in Vegas!
It was great meeting you on Thursday! Wish I had known where you were hanging out - would have been a blast to chat! I'll send some pics.
i love mark
Hey DJ... Thanks again for everything last weekend. Marisa, Mark, and I all really enjoyed hanging out. I threw a couple pics up on the blog, but I see Mark was on the ball and got those to you last week. Anyways, I hope to cross paths with you again sometime... Maybe we will see you in Vegas!
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