Tuesday, July 03, 2007


Nashville, originally uploaded by davidjay13.

Me and my darling friend Amber Holritz

Sent from my iPhone


Shyla said...

UGH! I am so jealous.... you are in cowboy land with my dear friend....

did I mention I am jealous? :(

Deyl said...

you need to trim your facial hair into a moustache for the trip

Emmanuel Speciale said...

Hey cow boy :)

Anonymous said...

I tell ya son, ya'll lookin' prettier than a blue-ribbon prize-winnin' heffer at the state fair! Yee haw! (say it with a southern drawl...:)


Nashville is a fantastic place- enjoy it to the full!


Unknown said...

hugs :)

see you in a few.

My picture is SO much better.


Natalie Joy said...

lol aww!
I miss you guys!:(
have fun!

Amy Martin said...

SO fun! I think a cowboy hat suits you well :)

Ginger Murray said...

Sweet hat!
I love Nashville. Jealous...!

Shannon said...

So hot! hhahah

Sarah Renée said...

Aw...enjoy my "other home"! :)

[ davidbrenot ] said...

Come in Paris with this hats !
Your very fun

See you soon !