Had a gorgeous breakfast with Sarah and Pastor Barlow and Brett this
morning at the top of the John Hancock building! Wow!
...and I can't wait to show you the pics from yesterday! Lots of them
show the Chicago skyline which I love and the wedding was just
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Monday, July 30, 2007
John Hancock
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Live in Harmony
So Awesome
I was couped up doing the Freedom Club videos so I didn't even know they were saying things about me but it's funny to watch now.
Friday, July 27, 2007
Freedom Club updated

I wanted to give all of you the first chance to checkout the Freedom Club and get the discounts before I send out a newsletter to over 11,000 people.
This month the first 300 people get almost 50% off of the Brilliant settings so hurry and check it out before I send out the newsletter.
Here's a little intro video! ...and there are 12 other workflow videos that I just posted today that will show you how to get through your post wedding workflow in just a couple of hours!
I'm leaving in a few hours to do a two day turnaround trip to Chicago for a wedding there this weekend so I'll be kinda outta commission till Monday. :)
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Lightroom VS. Aperture
Lightroom VS. Aperture
If you're looking for ways to dial in your post wedding workflow this month's Freedom Club is for you. I've been putting both Lightroom and Aperture to the test and there is a clear winner so DON'T make the mistake that so many people are making by wasting money on the wrong program.
Also, I've really dialed in my workflow from download to upload and by watching these videos you too can get your post wedding workflow down to under 3 hours! The videos are uploading now and I'll post them tomorrow! :)

Moving day
Today was moving day and I just got the downstairs guest apt dialed in
pretty good. If you come visit this is where you will stay.
It's a great little apt with washer and dryer and a great upstairs
living room and kitchen and it has its own entrance too so guests can
come and go without using the main house.
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Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Media Room is cool
Yesterday Deyl came up and was working up in the Library and his friend Brian was working out by the pool, Brett brought over a beanbag chair and put it in the living room next to the hammock and I was chillin down here in the media room. So fun!
Sorry about the audio...it's scratchy like my face.
Last night
Tonight is my last night night living downtown and I'm kinda sad. I've
been living downtown for almost 3 years and its become home to me.
I've gotten to know people and really enjoyed being so close to
Also moving has been a time of reminicing as I came across old
pictures and memories of people and relationships from my past. I can
be kind of emotional about that stuff.
The movers come at 8am and I think I will feel more at home up on the
hill once I have all my stuff up at the house.
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Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Price of Success

I hadn't played soccer in two years because I've been playing to win in business and with that I sacrificed many things that I love. One of which was soccer but yesterday I got to strap on the boots and score some goals.
We played the alumni vs. the current players and we played the best of 5 games which was about 4 games more than my body could handle...but I managed to pull a few goals out, mostly because I had some superstars feeding me brilliantly...but also b/c I'm just fast. ;)

At the end you can hear me celebrating two goals. :)

Monday, July 23, 2007
Britt is brilliant

Recently most bands are suffering because the labels are afraid to market the bands using the new methods but there is one band that is soaring and doing so many things right and that is Britt Nicole! You may remember I posted about her back in the day.
First off she (or someone) actually uses her email list to keep in touch with her fans. I've signed up for other bands mailing lists and received nothing in years.
Secondly, she uploads new content often. This takes effort and some of the photos and videos are from her very own cell phone. Very cool.
Third, she has a place where fans can upload their own photos - brilliant!

CLICK HERE and go check her out and get free music.
p.s. this is my first post from the house. The poor cable guy was here for 3 hours setting everything up. lol
Quick post
....to make everyone aware that I ran two miles yesterday...I could've run faster but it was my first time running in a month so I wanted to ease into it.
I also have a confession and that is that I haven't eaten any of the food I bought below. I realized after I bought it that I don't have a microwave at the new place yet so I couldn't make some of it and then I also don't have any bowls so I couldn't eat the cereal either. So I've still been eating out every meal.
Friday, July 20, 2007
Down to the wire
I am down to the wire with 2 months to prep for this mini triathalon
that Deyl and Co. Signed me up for. That means no more messing around
and eating out every meal.
I swung by trader joes today and got a bunch of food that can be
prepared in less than a minute without any extra ingredients. I hate
it when they sell you some food and you get home to eat it and it
tells you that you also need milk and butter and this and that so all
this food you can eat fast! :)
Also notice that all the cleaning supplies is Eco friendly. Deyl got
me into that and it's a good idea to try and be concious of how what
we do affects the environment.
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Done Deal - let's party! :)
Thursday, July 19, 2007
So excited!!!
I just got the beautiful invites for Gary and missy's wedding and they
are so gorgeous! Missy did an amazing job picking these out! I can't
wait for the wedding!
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Wednesday, July 18, 2007
View and backyard
Can you hear the birds chirping in the video - it's so peaceful up there.
In a few minutes I have to go get a Cashiers check and sink my life savings into this pad (Gary is shaking his head right now) ...these are the good days Gary! :) and here's a video I shot yesterday showing a bit more of the outside and I have a few little videos of inside coming soon to.
It's set to close tomorrow! :)
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Freebie from the Freedom Club
Monday, July 16, 2007
Paris - The Sequel
Almost home!
I just landed in LA and one flight to go!
I saw this bus in London. I agree and I traveled pretty cushy on this
trip...be ready for a funny video tonight.
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Sunday, July 15, 2007
So today I walked around and found a cool Massimo Dutti suit for Gary and Missy's wedding. We're supposed to wear brown and I have the job of finding pink ties for me and Denis to wear and we'll be standing up with Amy and Janey and I don't think they're gonna wear ties. I didn't find ties but I found a cool suit.
In Paris I bought a pair of pants, two sweaters and some shoes all from Lacoste.
I leave at 11am tomorrow and get home at 3pm! How awesome is that! I fly straight from London to LA and then up to SB. I'm so excited!
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Wander I did
I was doing so well.... I made it from my hotel in Paris to the Metro and then on to the train station which brought me under the water to London

It's the same hotel I stayed at with Vanessa back in January and when we were here before the rooms they had us in where tiny so I think we got shafted because the room I have now is huge! ... with two full baths! The reason I came back even after the small rooms the last time was the breakfast! Wow - so good and I can hardly wait to wake up and eat it! ...and it really is just a few steps from Picadilly circus which really is a circus. Watch the video.
I'm watching the running of the bulls on TV and it's crazy - people are just getting dominated.
Friday, July 13, 2007
Tomorrow I will wander

ticket and then once I get to London I'll find a hotel. I haven't booked one yet so we might be in for some more fun like Switzerland but I think I'll be ok. :)
I'll just be there for a day and a half and then I fly back to Santa Barbara! Yea!!!
Notre Dame

Click here and watch the end to see how this picture that my friend Emmanuel took might be used in the future.

Thursday, July 12, 2007
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Yea! I'm online!
I've been having a blast at the workshop and the first day was long (16 hours) and I was tired after only getting two hours of sleep but we got through a lot of important info and then today was super fun! Bob Davis (insanely amazing) went through a everything you cold imagine about remote lighting and it was incredible!
Then we went out and did a night shoot in the city and WOW was that fun! The couple was gorgeous and Bob did his remote lighting and I did all natural light to show everyone how cool of shots you can get both ways!
This shot was taken in near darkness at f/2.8 - ISO 1600 and hand held at 1/10 sec and both of these are straight out of the camera - I love it!

...and this one was taken at a bus stop at f/2.8 - ISO 2500 and hand held at 1/20 sec - She is WOW! :)

Monday, July 09, 2007
Through Their Eyes

My friend David Hessemer has a really cool idea about a way to help Africa and bring their reality closer to home. I'm excited to go on one these trips at somepoint because I think it'd be fascinating to see what these people could capture if given the chance.
Click here and contact Dave if you'd like to get involved.
I just got checked into my room and a crazy storm rolled in! Gnarly...it was fun to watch it take over the city.
Sunday, July 08, 2007

Here a few of my favorites from the wedding. :)
Thursday, July 05, 2007
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
4th fun
We're at Sarah Barlow's aunt Janet's house and it's amazing! Here's a shot of Nathan Holritz and his son Austen rockin on the jet ski! Sarah and I got the jet ski up to 47mph but nathan and amber beat us at 52mph! Sent from my iPhone
Here's a sweet shot I got with my iphone of Nathan and Amber making out.
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
Monday, July 02, 2007
In High Gear

I've been cranking into high gear and sorry for those of you who know by my actions that I'm a bit anxious and rushed right now. Life is good...too good it seams and I'm trying to remain focused on the right things and properly prioritze everything.
One thing I rarely have in my life is hard deadlines. Most of the the projects and businesses I run are pretty flexible and I can mold them around my life. I love that freedom and so recently this house stuff has stretched me a bit because everything seems high stress. This has to be signed today - this much money has to be in this account by this date..etc etc... not really my style but it's almost done. July 19th is the closing date and it couldn't come soon enough!