Thursday, December 20, 2007

Stock up

Stock up, originally uploaded by davidjay13.

I've never had such a full fridge! This is great! I've been bunkering
down and working and I actually went two full days in my PJ's and
slippers. I even went out to Thai food with Deyl and picked up Chinese
last night in them. I don't know why we wear anything but PJ's.


jamiedelaine said...

Out in public in your PJs? Have you really stooped this low, DJ? Hah!

.Alli.son. said...

colbie! :)

Brienne Michelle said...

Dude. I'm watching you live and it's creeping me out. LOL

Michael + Anna Costa said...

Last year from Christmas Michael bought me my work "uniform." It was a fuzzy pink bathrobe! I love it! I think that my associate photographer must think I'm the laziest person in the world b/c every time she comes over I'm in my jammies too! I don't know why we wear anything else either...


Kevin Sturm said...

Seriously..the last two times I've seen you you were in PJ's.

Any chance I can swing buy and grab the video tomorrow?

Anonymous said...

I couldn't agree with you more. PJs are AWESOME!!

Unknown said...

I'm so with you on the PJ thing. :)

Justine Ungaro said...

I almost never change out of my pj's these days either. I know, it's pathetic but I just LOVE to be comfortable! :)

Megan said...

mmmm firestone

chantal stone said...

I'm so glad I'm not the only one who thinks PJs at 5pm (or anytime really) is awesome.

Anonymous said...
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[ davidbrenot ] said...

Hummm ! I see that you prepare a very nice christmas dinner !!!!!

I want just to wish you a very merry Christmas with you and your family

Thank's or all !!!!!!!


Gary Fong, Author said...

I remember one time I actually went to a Pictage board meeting in my PJ's. Well it was because I was recovering from a bad flu but everybody else was dressed corporate. From that point on it was PJ's

Eric McCarty said...

Is that chocolate milk? Where are the Funyuns? You're not officially hooked up til you've got Funyuns.

Lisa Stein said...

I'm glad I'm not the only one who puts off getting dressed every day. And if I don't have to go out, that's heaven.