Last night Colon made the nicest comment and it totally made my day! ....and it reminded me of the story of the little boy who wished that everything he touched would turn to gold and the wish was granted and then he died because when he would try and eat his food would turn to gold. bummer. :)
Also! the OpenPhotoContest has been rocking! Sign up AND SUBMIT A PHOTO fast to take advantage of the 1/2 off special and for your chance to win an 85mm f1.2 lens (or equivalent) worth $1,800!!! We're giving that away to the winner of the "Stellar Brides" contest and what is so cool is that YOU choose the winner! 162 people are already registered on the site and we've been receiving thousands of votes EACH DAY! Checkout how fun it is to pick your favorite images by clicking here.
I just registered for the OpenPhotoContest as a member, and I am trying to upload photos. Is there a delay for them to show in "my photos?" I seem to be having some problems getting them to appear :)
I tried with Safari and Firefox (Mac OS 10.4.10)
DJ, do you have any plans to visit Atlanta? My friends and I missed you last time and we are dying for you to come back!!!
Such a high compliment!
If you're a golden boy, what happens to me? May I at least request platinum?
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