Friday, September 14, 2007


Stars, originally uploaded by davidjay13.

I'm sleeping under the stars tonight. I have an abundance of friends
here so I'm sleeping outside. :) Sarah Barlow is in the guest apt and
Todd Watson and Bob Davis are on Aero beds. I love having people stay
here and this is my first time sleeping outside at the Freedom House
so I am curious what sort of creatures will come out.

Sent from my iPhone


Blah Blah said...

Hey DJ.. this is Brian Khang.. I met you at PartnerCon in LA... I am the guy originally from Connecticut that moved out here to Irvine, CA.. Anyways, it was so awesome to meet you and I might need some suggestions on places to visit in Santa Barbara when I come up there. Have a good night!

amynave said...

WOW, watch out for those huge spiders!!!!!!

kennykimdotcom said...

DJ, is the bamboo floor finished yet? Can't wait to see it. Sounds like you have a party going on over there!

Daniel J. Watkins said...

...especially those huge spiders that look like Mike Colon lurking in the dark shadows, plotting revenge...

Unknown said...

brejuDude if you have a hard time going to sleep just count the street light form that awesome view you have.

Jasmine said...

LOL! I think Amy was trying to scare you about spiders the same way you scared her about the sharks in Carpenteria...but I don't think it worked quite as well...being bitten and being eaten are two very different things!! :)

|| davidjay || said...

Haha.. most of the spiders are nice and not scary and we look out for each other. I try not to disturb my creature friends who live at the freedom house with me.

Matt Hall said...

At peace with the creatures just like the Humming Bird!

sara d harper said...
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sara d harper said...

Did Sarah give you that idea??? We slept under the stars at Shyla's Tuesday night! No creatures but it was super cold!!! ( at least to this GA girl!!)

Ginger Murray said...

It's 40 degrees here tonight...
Sleeping outside would be rather chilly.
And yet... in a way... I kind of am sleeping outside... because my husband insists on sleeping with the windows open the past 4 cold nights.
I just pile 3 blankets on top of me, and I'm good. But getting up in the morning... man... that's cold.

Anonymous said...

I slept in a hammock once. Not good!