I think we can all agree that Jasmine Star is someone who's success and sweetness go hand in hand. Every time I present on the importance of "Selling our Personality" I think of her because her personality is worth millions.

Everything about this girl is incredible and you can read a little piece of the article by clicking on it here and be sure to go to PPR and read the rest.
Jasmine is just amazing!
Wow. I had no idea she was so new at this.
That is very encouraging!
you know NONE of this would have been possible without you. i'm merely a reflection of everything you've poured into me. thank you.
Jasmine is one of my photographer heroes.
Being gorgeous helps too. I'm spoken for so I can say that, right?
I love Jasmine. She's one of the sweatest, down to earth people I know. This is only the beginning for this girl:)
Yes i think to !
Jasmine star is one of my photographer inspiration.
Where are you now ?
See you later my friend
I'm so proud of her! :)
… she seems pretty ordinary to me :)
In all seriousness, it's an honor to be your friend Jasmine.
You are such an inspiration and just so darn sweet! :)
you are a real rockstar jasmine! seriously - your heart couldn't be any bigger and you deserve all the success in the world - you are such an inspiring, loving person - and BIG things are in store for you!!!
I've heard so much of her and met her once at WPPI last year. Look forward to meeting her again sometime. :-)
DJ you are so correct! Jasmine is one of the most incredible people inside and out. I'm blessed to have met her and call her my friend. She is a HUGE inspiration to me as are you. :)
Yeah I just listened to this DJ, I learned so much about Jasmine.. she is truly an inspiration.
I love Jasmine! She rocks the photography world.
I absolutely CANNOT wait to meet you someday Jasmine! I've seriously heard so many good things about you! Wow! You are a definite inspiration:)
She deserves all of it and DJ, I know you were a huge part of encouraging her so thank you for that too! Jasmine has already had a huge impact of our industry.
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