Once again
Pictage's community shows itself to be one big family and when we get together it's just incredible. Thanks to my dear friend
Melissa Jill for snapping this pic of me! Also, I filmed my whole presentation for the Freedom Club. I've been on the road non-stop so I wanted to offer a special treat to all of you this month b/c this presentation is packed with important info.
Last night we threw a rocking party! ...and I mean it was off the hook! Special thanks to everyone who has bought
Showit Web for helping fund the bar tab and the guys at
Kiss Wedding Books. I'm not sure anyone wants to see the pictures from inside the "KissingBooth" but no doubt they will end up all over the internet so stay

tuned...and who's idea was it to have me speaking again at 9am this morning after a party like that!
You'll have to check the forums to see how fun it was but here's a shot of
Kevin Swan throwing out some free
I hope you were all nice to my wife while she was out there! I'm really sorry I couldn't make it to see everyone!
DJ u party animal u. haha. glad you guys had an awesome time. can't wait to see the presentation.
DJ, your presentation was very inspiring and it was great talking to you... also, thanks for the drinks at the party ;-)
After I talked to you I got right back to work on the forum and it's up and running... check it out... VAMOS!
You're posting the presentation on Freedom Club? Good thinking!
Great presentation Mr. Jay, so glad I had a chance to catch it this year! And as an added bonus, the back of my head made it onto you blog... sweet! :D Great job as always!!
So what does "off the hook" for DJ really mean? Just curious.
great presentation, getting my headshot done asap!
the party was a blast dj! thanks again to you and kevin for putting it on (and well, paying for the large bar tab - VERY generous!!)
You can see photos from the photo booth at http://www.KISSandSHOWit.com!
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