I'm at LAX on my way to Boston for the PPANE convention but I just had to tell you about two cool things that just happened.
My mom used to always say that God blesses people who bless people and here's a cool story that just happened to me.
You know from my post below that I signed up for the Kiva organization two days ago and I committed to loan $500. Just a few hours later I received a random c

The next thing is that Showit-DVD has been cranking (19 orders yesterday) and we just had our first order from Japan! All our other products are instant download off the internet but it's kinda cool to think we are actually shipping something from the U.S. in this little box and it's gonna go all the way to Japan so a couple can enjoy and preserve their Showit slideshow.

We've found that the best way to sell Showit DVD's is to tell them that you can only keep the Showit Web show up for a few weeks and if they'd like to preserve the slideshow forever they can click on the order button at the bottom and order a show.
yay boston!!!! looking forward to meeting you at the convention -- are you there for the whole weekend or just monday when you're speaking?
can't wait! :)
Cool! Keep up the inspirations David!
you rock. :)
Dude, we all should send you a check like that.
thats so awesome dj! 10 fold in a matter of hours...now thats a cool testimony! congrats and thanks for always being so generous!
The Lord truly blesses those that bless and give to others. You do this so much in your life and you deserve to be blessed. Your an inspiration to everyone and with the tools you've created, you are helping everyone to grow their biz and leave our clients with a lasting memory through the DVD of their day. Not to mention gaining more clients as their slideshow makes it all around. :]
May more blessings shower upon you!! Thanks for your unending work to inspire everyone around you!
Dane said it, maybe we all should send checks.
Welcome to Boston, man! I was going to PPANE but I sent the check to you, no extra money now. If your around you available for a lunch/chat or are you off to PartnerCon
That's awesome DJ. I feel like i should send you a check too. You've been so helpful to me as a friend and as a photrographer! Good things do come around. :-)
I'm gonna send you a photo of people crowding around my iMac monitor drooling over that slideshow idea during reception that you shared with us. It's a hit!
I 2nd Dane's comment as well!
Your entry also made me pour through my copy of the Book of Job. ;-)
I am very happy for you though. You are such a generous person.
Hey my man we arrive on Monday. When are you leaving? give me a call on my cell. Love to catch up.
That's awesome, DJ! And great suggestion for the DVD sales - I'll be using that! :) Looking forward to meeting you at Partnercon.
DJ - I couldn't agree with you more.
You are such an inspiration!
when you sell show it DVD in france, i whant to by your first customer !!!!!
please let me know David
C'est bon ça !
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