I snapped this picture on Easter as I was landing in Utah to catch my flight into Santa Barbara and I know that when the pilot says to "please turn off all electronic equipment." I probably should but the problem is that during take off and when it's turbulent I get really scared. I dunno why because I fly all the time but for some reason I still get that nervous feeling like you get the first time you kiss someone. My heart starts to beat fast and my hands get sweaty and the whole world just seems to slow down and pause for a minute and I'm sure I just have this blank stare...although I think the blank stare can actually play to guys favor sometimes because girls think we are like gazing romantically into their eyes when really we're just like a dear in headlights and we're so freaked out we can't move.
Anyway...the flight to Utah was really bumpy and I think the bumps have something to do with the mountains and how the wind comes over the mountain because I flew into another place with mountains and it was really bumpy there too so I'm gonna avoid those airports.
So back to the beginning - the reason I keep my camera out is because when I'm taking pictures it distracts me and I don't think about how one of these bumps might make a wing break off or something.
Nice analogy... LOL....... Oh I love flying:) hehe!!!!
Nice to know I'm not the only frequent-flyer who gets the hebee-jeebies every-freaking-time I fly (says the ex-flight-attendant's daughter)
I wear headphones (also illegal), close my eyes, and pray though. LOL.
That was totally my bad. I should have booked a United flight. By the way, I told my friends about the pictures you posted. They said they loved them, and you are awesome :)
I'm the same way. Great way to distract yourself. I fly to MD in 2 weeks, I think I will keep my camera close by.
thats REALLY funny DJ, i actually laughed out loud pretty hard on that one. "kind of like that feeling before the first kiss..." wow... good stuff =P
Oh wow!!! Haha!!!
That is hilarious!
...thanks for ruining it for us girls!! LOL!
DJ, nice to see that you're shooting on 4x5 sheet film these days! ;-)
Wait, i thought you still haven't had your first kiss yet??
naaah ... remember that time deyl when we caught him getting all nervous when that a-photo-a-day guy was around all the time ... i think he shot like 40 weddings that year ... helpful distraction i'm sure ;)
DJ I thought the same as Deyl on this one so you need to tread very cautiously. There are people who are waiting to hear your responce to Deyl's post (and it's not me for all you wierdos out there)
I love to fly, so I don't get the hebee-jeebies but it's still a great shot!!!!!!
dj, if you need some advice about the ladies... just give me a ring! no need to be nervous... make sure to show them who's in charge. even though we all know that women call the shots, they like us to pretend we are in control.
as far as flying goes... ipod, bose noise cancelling headphones and a tylenol PM and you'll be just fine.
Deyl is correct that I still have not had my first kiss for 2006. :)
(JT - that bridesmaid at the AZ wedding doesn't count)
1995-2005 were taken but it appears the ladies have wised up and moved on to better things.
[b], you are a SMART smart man (on both accounts) lol
Actually DJ is mistaken...I have a picture of DJ kissin' Mike on my slideshow from the OSP party last week ;)
Oh I do believe DJ's first kill (I mean kiSS...right finger, wrong hand...I'm a dyslexic typist) occured at OSP-MC. ;) You know who you are!!!!
Just trying kissing a girl that you've never kissed before WHILE FLYING. Hmmmm...I see several volunteers who've posted that they love flying...
A deer in headlights?! I don't think so...deers keep their eyes open before impact occurs. If you're keeping you're eyes open right before you kiss, you're in need of alot more than just help :) You need coaching or professional assitance. You're like waaaaay beyond the help [b] can offer ;) LOL!!
Jasmine!!! Hahaha! I literally laughed out loud! You are so right though :)
DJ - Truth or Dare? If you could kiss any girl in the whole world who would it be? The first step to getting what you want is proclaiming what you want. Proclaiming it publicly just adds extra incentive to make it come true.
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