Monday, April 10, 2006


Words could never describe how I feel after a night like tonight. Tonight was one of the best nights of my life and I have all of you to thank for it. You all konw that my work and my life are very intertwined so I spend a lot of time with people in the wedding industry and I can honestly say that I feel like the most blessed man in the world to have so many incredible friends who share this same occupation and if it wasn't for all of you I don't think I'd want to be in this industry. Thank you Thank you Thank you! I couldn't possibly do what I do without all of you and I can't wait to share more but it's 4am and I'm falling asleep in this chair so I better go.



J@KE said...

Great pics as always DJ

Anonymous said...

Amazing, looks like such a great time!!

Sarah Barlow said...

OH!!!! That's incredible!!!!!
Sooooo wish I could've been there...
but it was the best seeing my sister born:)
Have an awesome time you all!!

Unknown said...

You guys look like such fun. How wonderful these pics. I just love the Lightsphere on a point and shoot. What a hoot. Also, have your slideshow video player and absolutely loooove it. Works sooo wonderful. Thanks so much!!

Deyl said...

I'm not even a wedding photographer and after that slide show i'm thinking about going next year!! :)

The Alpha Course said...

Oo - that's everyone from OSP!!!

I am sooooo coming to WPPI next year (well, maybe the year after if I can save up enough £££££)

Anonymous said...

good to see you ripping it up in vegas bro!! you deserve everything that's going on for you man.

ill catch you soon enough :)

Anonymous said...

Hey David, thanks for sharing all your tremendous insights. It was a blessing to hear you speak, you gave some great words of wisdom. Thank you so much for your contribution to the photography community. Looking forward to great things from you.

amynave said...

That was sooooo fun:)

Jasmine said...

Thanks for such a GREAT night, DJ! OSP luvs you!

Jenna & Matt Walker said...

how fun! looks like you all had an awesome time!

Here's wishing you all a speedy recovery from vegas!


Melissa Carl said...

why don't you update this thing already? lol slacker... oh wait I haven't updated mine either. ha ha

|| davidjay || said...

It's all good! :)