Last night Tobi and Mellany joined us again from Palm Springs and brought us this amazing pie!

...but the real reason I wanted to post was because of Pepper and Mitch. I've had the chance to get to know them over the past year and what a blessing they've been in my life. Pepper is an absolutely incredible Photographer and here is just one of her incredible award winning images.

Pepper and Mitch are two of the most giving, caring and loving people I've ever met and in an industry where we gossip more than we should and there's way to much bad mouthing going on I have never heard of anybody who doesn't absolutely adore these two. If you ever have the chance to meet them don't miss it!
Thanks for everything you guys!
They are amazing. I have had the oppertunity to hang with them several times and each time is such a blast:) They are the cutest couple:)
I love Pepper!
you were in the OC last night and you didn't call. i see how it is.
Yeah Deej! You were in the OC last night and you didnt call! I see how it is... ;)
Ya DJ!!!!! LOL
I know :( ...I'm sorry I'm a bad friend. The drive down was loooong - 4 hours. So I really had no time and then the PUG went until 10:30 and then we chatted till 11:30 so I needed to blast out after that.
I love you guys though and I was talking to Regis about coming down again next week so everyone can hangout!
Instead of "The OC", I think there should be a reality TV show called The David Jay. Keep rocking on.
Silly DJ...not BAD friend...just an extremely BUSY one!
Esta Bien...Its just fun giving you a hard time!!
Holy 4 hours batman!..For future refrence,Deej, the gas pedal is the one on the right ;)
DJ DJ DJ ------- you crack me up:)
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