Sunday, June 24, 2007

What is Hell?

You guys have to watch this! My buddy Todd (aka...Showit Web Wizard) makes these videos and they are hilarious. He's not the guy in the video but if you are a Christian and/or you like to make fun of some of the stupid things we do this video is for you! :) ...and I make an appearance in the video from Monaco!

Go to the site to see more and watch the video below!

Watch them all! These are so funny!


Nathan Sawatzky Photography said...

Oh my "gosh". LOL, That was the funniest thing I've seen in a long time DJ...Man Alive...

Anonymous said...

Sitting here with my wife having our morning coffee and thinking about how much we've been slacking lately on going to church. LOL....that was a perfect Sunday morning service....short, sweet, to the point! Love it! "effin A!!" Thanks DJ!!!

Back to the coffee....

milk & honey said...

That is hilarious!!

Natalie Joy said...

hahahahahaha that was AWESOME!:)

Sarah Barlow said...

The magic one with the parking at the mall thing really made me laugh...
Too funny!

richard mcgarry said...

david I got this from beckers blog

I thought you might like it.

how was maine? did you get to freeport and LL Bean?

Brett Austin said...

That was hilarious!

Most "funny" video doesn't quite get me to the point of laughing out loud... but this was too good!


Deyl said...

some flipping funny shoot!

Eric said...

Hilarious video clips, if you like those you might get a kick out of Those guys do some funny Christianity spoofs that might give you a laugh.

Dane Sanders said...

dude, that's zefrank funny ...

Anonymous said...

What in the world was that? That was freeking funny!

Krista Photography said...

that was hilarious!! i love it!

Ron Dawson said...

That was bleeping high-larious. Reminds me of some of the old Highway Videos. Thanks for sharing.r