We would like to acknowledge recent attempts in the media to descredit David Jay's commitment to personal excellence and physical well being.
A recent posting by a Mr. Deyl Kearin title "Lazy I Am" encourages speculation that because there were two pairs of running shoes left behind by David Jay that Mr. Jay hasn't been keeping up with his rigorous exercise regimen.

***** I am David Jay and I approve this message *****
HAHHAHAHAHHAH!!! woooooowww from both Sarahs!!
Oh DJ...
Punk...running in Maine but can't touch base with old friends :)
10 bux on DJ to win the 30-day challenge :)
If nike + doesn't know about it, it didn't happen :)
btw, that mirror in the background of the bottom photo looks mighty blurry... why don't you post the original?
Hahah...you guys are too funny. I didn't even notice the blurry mirror until you pointed it out deyl.
weird... I think I can make out something in the blurry mirror... looks tall... skinny, and naked?
No Nike+... means no proof! I don't believe it. :o)
What's the deal with this recent obession with your derriere and posting it all over the internet? I'll pass on that.
Ha! Nice catch Tim!
That's actually pretty funny David! :)
Woww...you're an interesting man, DJ...
...you should be thanking your buddy Deyl for pointing out that picture to everyone!
If you guys look closely you'll see that it's a Monet painting in the background but I am a bit concerned about a few of you who dreamed of it being something else. Weird...
hey... a guy can have dreams...
proof of anything this is not
you are such a dork -- never let it be said otherwise :) you totally make me laugh.
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