Friday, June 29, 2007

Empty hands...

Empty hands..., originally uploaded by davidjay13.

I'll fill you in after dinner. I'll have my phone tomorrow but I think Apple built more hype than AT&T could handle and there are a lot of unhappy people as a result.


Nicholaus Haskins said...

omg....I sooooo want to know what happened!

Chris Humphreys said...


Dude, that is SO not cool!

Can't wait to hear what happened!

swan said...
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swan said...

Sorry, dude. You can enjoy mine in the mean time:
Click HERE, baby...

Unknown said...

Dude, what happened??

I got three.

The Apple store in San Luis Obispo still has some and is open until midnight. Drive up now and you can get one. Or call me and I'll get you one right now.

- Erik Dungan

Ginger Murray said...

That... is not cool.
That's kind of odd that Apple didn't plan that out very well... you'd think they'd know how to handle "big deal" events like this by now...?
They owe you a discount.
Like, a "free" discount.

Brody said...

I actually got mine at the apple store and didn't even have to wait in line. I actually felt bad for all of the people that spent the night outside the door and I just walked up.

Dane Sanders said...

I'm sorry bro. My business mentor taught me to outsource whenever possible and I gotta tell you, today is one more reason I'm not into DIY, even at a mac store. No standing in line and still an iPhone owner. I said it before and I'll say it again: I love this country. America is the ultimate Freedom Club!

It kinda feel bad though. After the classic "DJ buys pizza and doughnuts for the planet" story, I kinda feel like you deserve mine more than me. Such a bummer.

Kevin Meyers said...

What's an iPhone anyway?

(don't worry, my sense of humor is dry...very dry)

Deyl said...

dude, you got robbed (this message left from my iPhone) :)

|| davidjay || said...

Thanks for all the comments - It's 1am and I'm spent - I've got some great video though so I'll put it up tomorrow because you guys just gotta see it. The whole thing is kinda funny but I am super excited about getting this phone. After hearing about it from Swan I just can't wait.

Kevin King said...

AT&T under-delivered? No. I'm shocked.

Sorry dude. Mine is sweeeeeeet though. If it makes you feel any better. :-(

JeffersonTodd said...

Ha! they still had a bunch at the store here in Chandler when I went by to check it out.

Tim Halberg said...

dude... I can't believe you gave yours away to that lady man!! You're WAY TOO NICE sometimes!!!

That's rad that apple's head guy is actually in town and gonna deliver the phone to you!!! Can't wait to see the pics of that meeting!!!


Toronto Wedding&Portrait Photographer, Andreas. said...'s a "phone". It wont do your laundry, won't live your life for's another gadget. A really really cool one at that...but why bother wasting so much time to be "one of the first". I think when people wait hours and days for things like this and then don't get what they want it only serves them right...
I just got my Blackberry Curve - no need for iPhone..this thing is amaaaazing.

Daniel J. Watkins said...
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Daniel J. Watkins said...
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Unknown said...

There was'nt even a line at the store I went to. weird huh...

Kevin Meyers said...

What's an iPhone?

Anonymous said...

Dude I am sorry!