This past week was possibly the busiest of the year...but it was great. My folks were in town and somehow I had planned like every meeting of the year into the past 6 days so I was running around like a chicken with his head cut off...

I'll start with something fun ... I learned to cook my own steak! Can you believe that I have never done that. My dad always took great pride in manning the grill and now I have some friends who always do it but last night I had to man-up! ;) We were at a restaurant where you cook your own steak and it was pretty funny because I wasn't even that hungry and so I was just gonna share a steak with Christianne's sister but Christianne said "be a man and get your own" and I was a little embarrassed b/c I didn't know how to cook it so she helped me a little bit and I was very proud to have cooked my own steak...well...kinda cooked it. She likes her steak rare so that's the way I cooked mine too. It was the first time I've ever had a rare steak and it was so good!
So going back...our
Wednesday morning get together really got me stoked and filled up for the rest of the week! Wow! God is doing rad things in our lives and to get together and celebrate that gets me so stoked!
Then I cruised down to OC for a meeting that my friend
Greg Bumatay put together in his awesome studio. He's an incredible photographer and he also gives back by teaching at Cypress College so he invited 10 of his students over and we shared Showit with them and got feedback about what they liked and didn't like. The response was unreal and we are looking to do more of these around the country so if you are an educator or a student then please contact our Director of Love - and we'll set it up.

Then the Orange County SMUG happened! Wow! SmugMug is doing such an incredible job building community and it doesn't hurt to have
Jasmine Star leading the group! There were 250 people including other inspirations like
Bobby Earle,
Gabriel and Carlie Ryan,
Dane Sanders etc etc etc.....

ok... this post is too long. Have a great weekend!