I'm out in Germany doing a short tour right now. Part of my presentation is about social marketing and 5 years ago I would've talked all about blogs but now I don't even mention them. Blogs are so out.

Blogging was a great technology to use to start and faciliate conversations five or six years ago but now Facebook and Twitter have kicked its butt for so many reasons - Read my blogging is dead article if you care to know more.
So if you want to keep up with me you'll need to join me on Facebook or Twitter or both b/c I don't plan to blog anymore. :)
I started online journaling on my forum way back in 2003 and you can see my first posts here.
Then moved to my Xanga blog
Then moved to my blogger blog
...and now Facebook!
SHUT UP!!!! My dad is in Germany right now too!
Sad you're done blogging... but my blog is definitely fading too:(
I think blogging still has its place for those of us that are wedding photographers, I think your perspective has changed somewhat because your no longer a wedding photographer DJ... least you don't seem to be anyway. When was your last paid wedding shoot, how many did you do in 2009 ?
Twitter is great for reaching other wedding professionals, but I haven't come across a single bride or groom using it yet.
Facebook is definitely a great platform for growing business from within existing clients and their friends and family, but it sucks for SEO currently.
Blogs as an extension of your website that are updated regularly are fantastic for SEO and therefore great for reaching new clients that start their search for a wedding photographer with a search engine.... and there are still many people out there doing that.
Different target market = different tools.
Sarah that's awesome! I just emailed your dad! :)
Nick - I only shoot for Charities now but I personally think it's better to focus on driving conversations rather than search rankings. Facebook and Twitter do that better than blogs. If you want SEO then stick with a blog.
Nice to know your still shooting something DJ and sounds like its a very worthwhile something so thats awesome to hear.
I dont disagree regards the conversations on facebook and twitter (and no doubt Google Wave in the near future) but I still think that there's a whole world outside of those platforms thats very worthwhile for us lower profile wedding photographers and blogs (or whatever you want to call a regularly updated section of your website) are a very good means of connecting with those people.
Good luck with the mini tour of Germany!
I think it depends a little on where your company is at in it's growth...I need everything I can get...Hey DJ...if a Bride calls you, just send them to me ;)
Hey DJ how are you ?
Are you gonna be at NYC for the photoplus next week?
If blogging is dead why do I still check your blog every day in hopes of a new post, huh Deej?!?! Riddle me that! :P
I'm using twitter and facebook a ton - freaking love it! Just don't want to drop my blog as it still works for me. But I definitely get what you're saying. Genius, as usual...
I posted this a few days ago Bobby. ;P
I check your blog often too, Dj, so like Bobby, I'll miss it!! :P I think we've stopped checking so often cause you never update anymore! Understandable. You're busy with business, and a lovely lady!;) It's not a bad thing to simplify by getting rid of your blog.
Twitter is only another version of a status update on Facebook(imho), so as long as you post "Notes" on Facebook every so often as to what is goin on with you, that should suffice us. Maybe.
Fun while it lasted! I remember reading your blog for the first time when Brad told me to check you out. Always entertaining.
I also admidt I check you blog all the time and have been bummed at the disaearing act, but Bobby has kept us all enterained in your bloggin absence ;) LOL!
Miss you man!
Nick is right...i generate a lot of business from my blog and web site. You are just doing something different now. I get 70 percent of business from SEO. As nick says...brides are hanging on Twitter, they still go to google. I hope you are not losing touch already...just sayin!
Also...I am a portrait photographer and my client's aren't hanging on facebook as much as your clients.
If you are selling stuff to other photogs then facebook and twitter are indeed the way to go.
Rob - if you can prove that blogging is more "effective" than Facebook and Twitter than I'll use it but good luck!
Not to be a jerk, but if you only shoot for Charities then how can your Germany tour bill you as "Top 15 Wedding Photographers in the World" by the WPJA none the less?
Andy - b/c the WPJA awarded me that and they also awarded me the #1 wedding (portrait) photographer that same year. They sent me a big trophy too. :) ...
...to be honest those awards and titles are overrated though. I don't care what people have won. I care what they've done.
Seems odd that you hide in anonymity though.
Blogging: Never before have so many people with so little to say said so much to so few.
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