Then I got some time to hang with friends and I must say that Sarah Barlow has THE BEST condo AND view in Nashville! This place is off the hook! The building has only 15% occupancy so if you're wanting to move to Nashville this is the place to be! It's unreal!
Checkout this pano I shot from her balcony! Click on it for a bigger view!

... just before this Bobby Earle (who shot the killer photo of Allie and I above) had shown his domination of all of us. Bobby is so funny when he fights because he just smiles and talks the whole time and I'm doing everything I can just to keep breathing and keep my limbs attached!
Glad you finally got some time to relax, and what a better way than to spend it with your girl!
And nice moves by the way man, didn't take you for the fighting type!
Holy arm barr! DJ has sick Jujitsu
LOL! Oh... boys. It was really entertaining, I will admit, though.
Nice JJ...boys, Its great to have some RR. I am a black belt in JJ up here in Toronto and glad to see other Photogs into it. DJ, I will see you at the Craft your Success tour shortly.
Mark from kostelphoto.com
Ahh I was laughing so hard! That made my night!!
You guys are studs =D
LOL. That must've been so awkward for Sarah and Allie to witness. Bobby looks like Royce Gracie with that patient JuJitsu style fighting!! Good times!
oops, that was me DJ - Kenny. Anton Lorimer was using my computer to check his gmail right before I commented. :)
I'm Jealous! We were just in Nashville a couple weeks ago, but didn't get a chance to see anything!! Glad your having a ball!
Ha! That was so much fun DJ! Get some mats at your house and I'll be up in SB in no time :)
Seriously though - I want to see a top ten wedding photographer jiu-jitsu showdown!!! Who's with me???
DJ vs. Mike Colon... Let's get it on!!!
Wow. Is that Sarah's place?!?!?! It's amazing. Also, I'm pretty jealous you got to see it before me. I know I already said that, but it is so true. I must go soon!
PS You do have some kinda awesome skillz... just kinda.
I'm never messing with you again DJ
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