Halifax was cool. Lots of super nice people and I was blown away by the staff of the hotel. Far better service then I've seen in the U.S. I really believe service will be a big role player for our industry in the future so I'm paying attention to this stuff and what things make a difference. I took this picture on my iphone my first night here b/c I thought it was a cool looking building.
I also did my laundry. I admit I'm spoiled to have my asst do my laundry and so I think I've only done laundry once in the last year! Isn't that crazy...but it was fun to do it here in Canada and they call their money Loonies (sp?) which cracked me up and so I needed 4 loonies to buy soap and then 4 dollars to do the wash and dry. That was the easy part but after that sorting and folding is what takes forever. First I just threw everything on my bed and then I categorized it and left it there overnight because I was really tired after the show yesterday so I waited to fold it until we were leaving this morning.

I remember fondly the washing and folding job of the Rogers family! Incredible! This is a picture of their basement and they have so many washers and dryers and they were so sweet they left a note on everything and even labeled each pair of my underwear for certain days so I actually wore them on those days!

and you have to watch this hilarious video of their family getting off the tour bus! It's like one of those funny commercials b/c it never ends! You must watch the video below or click here if it doesn't load in properly
I love that site
Hey DJ, all 3 of you dudes are more than welcome to stop in here and do your laundry when you're in Winnipeg. I won't even take your loonies.....just might make you buy me a cup of joe at Starbux while you're here :-)
Lookin forward to seeing you here soon!
Haha! Rock on Trevor! Thanks man! ...if we ever get there. our flight to Montreal just got cancelled - oh the joys of air travel.
Fun fact for you: the loonie is called that for the Loon which is the bird shown on the back of the coin. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loonie
Hi DJ can't wait to see you tomorrow , as I said to Mike if you need anything let me know , if you like we can meet tomorrow morning before the seminar a lot of nice places to see if you want call me 514-924-0715
Loonie for $1, but the Toonie for the $2.00 coin. Eh, only in Canada...:)
I'll see you in Montreal on Tuesday. I contacted dozens of people through all available means. I hope the participant will be good. I want to encourage photographes of your caliber to stop in Montreal for seminars and workshops.
This is mostly a french-speaking city, however many french-speaking photographers also understand and speak english, without the need for simultaneous translation like you used in France with a friend JF O'Kane.
Seeya soon,
Hey David!
I attended the seminar in Halifax and I learned a lot from all of you :) I hope more seminars like this happen locally. I can't wait to start my showit site. I just hope I start booking weddings and portraits once it is up and running. Next time you come to Halifax try to stay longer so you can see some of our amazing sites like Peggy's cove and tour the citadel. Hope the rest of the tour is successful and it's a lot of fun too :D
Man you have the WORST luck with airlines! Sucks man.
Just threaten the pilot with an armbar and he'll uncancel that flight lickety split :)
Hahaha. the video reminds me of growing up...i have 5 brothers and sisters...not nearly like pauls family but i mean, i can relate! i love jasmines attempt at serving!
"oh for the love of....."
just wanted to thank you again for stopping in DC with the amazing FTS tour! I keep telling everyone I know with an ear, about it.
'I' found little Regis in Dc, and just finished the video...bare with me, cause I had NO IDEA how to work a Mac or iMovie..took me forever..but I finally got it.
Check my blog for the video...
I HATE doing laundry!! The thing that overwhelms me the most is once I take my clothes out of the dryer, that whole sorting, ironing, folding, and hanging bit (so you know... the other half of doing laundry, pretty much).
Not gonna lie-- there have been times when I have gone to bed at night with a big pile of clothes on my bed too. (And yeah, this has also occurred after I've been married...). But I mean, you dump the clothes out on your bed, and you're like, "I'll get to those later," and then you forget until it's time to go to bed. And by that time, you're too tired. I get it, dude. I understand.
Ha! Just watched the vid too! That's funny, cause Erin and I did a family portrait shoot on the way down to Kansas City to see you guys, but SHH! We don't do family portrait sessions either, haha! :-D
Wow. First off, I am with you on the laundry. But, seeing as how its kind of a mandatory part of life, we'll all have to get over our dislike of it. I actually love to take the clothes out of the dryer and dump them on me. They're so warm... I'm glad you have someone to make those big life-altering decisions like what underwear to wear which day. Talk about a blessing from God.
That video looks like my family when we get together. I have four sisters, one brother, one in-home cousin/brother, and (at last count) 26 first and 5 second cousins. I can't believe you fit all those people on the bus! That's awesome.
hope you finally got a flight out to montreal ...
and megan , great video of you and regis !! :)
terri z
Man, these airlines blow. I guess you shoulda brought your freakin bus :-)
Maybe you could video a remake of "Plains, Trains & Automobiles" :-)
I swear DJ is going to ferry his tour bus over to Europe if he does a tour over there just so he doesn't have to fly!
Hope you got on a flight finally :)
Haha, yes it's a loonie and our two-dollar coin is a toonie--the barlows thought that was hilarious when i shared that bit of wisdom with them. hah! you will LOVE montreal if you have never been there before; such a freakin' gorgeous city. make sure you go out for dinner or at least take a walk in OLD montreal; it looks like a tiny european town. so beautiful!
Great video- reminds me of my family! Big families ROCK!!!
Nothin' like it in the world...
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