Ok so on the Free To Succeed Tour you all know we traveled for 40 days on a sweet bus! (video below) It really became home but when you're on the bus everyone holds pretty crazy hours. Most of us would sleep from 3 or 4am till noon and then we'd get up and get ready for the next show. Brett on the other hand would stay up until 8am and then sleep all day so I always enjoyed taking pictures of him crashed out. Here he is dead asleep, arms folded, sitting up with the lights on and his computer on his lap. lol
Watch the video below - click the button on the bottom right to watch it FULL SCREEN!
and here is another one of him asleep on the couch with his feet propped up. I can't imagine what his body felt like after sleeping like that!
Another tour? That's fabulous! :)
It's a gift I tell you! I can fall asleep anywhere! But thanks for reminding me how weird I am! :o)
I have so many photos of my roommate from college sleeping. She told me I am creepy. I told her that she shouldn't sleep in such funny positions, then!
Don't forget to add those pics to your "Friends" album on facebook! LOL:)
I had a friend who would fall asleep everywhere we went in Europe. We have about 15 photos of him sleeping. Kinda reminds me of Brett.
I can't wait until next year!
I'm so glad you didn't take any pics of me sleeping DJ because I don't look as pretty as Brett does when I sleep. :)
Where is Annemarie's sappy comment?
Can't wait for the 09 wedding season and now the 09 DJ tour!
See you there!
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