Orkin sounds a lot like me because Orkin is a snuggler...although from the description he also sounds a bit promiscuous! It was nice to read up and learn more about these creatures.
There is a good Myth section too!
So to clarify...
Bats are not flying mice
Bats are not blind
Bats do not try to become tangled in hair
Bats are not ugly or dirty
Bats do not carry rabies
Bats are shy, gentile and intelligent
So again thanks everyone!
Um, according to the CDC, most rabies cases in humans do come from bats (although rare)
Dude I have got to say if a bat ends up in my house he will end up just like the one that got in your house,dead. If he stays outside he will be fine. And I have to kindly disagree bats are the uglyest thing I have ever seen.
LOL! You're on a roll! :D
Youve had a bit of a rollercoaster ride this week havent you DJ.
Nice to see you are on the right track again though, maybe you can adopt a designer from Blu now :-)
Dont try for a techie or customer service person though, I think they are in shrt supply there!
Love your humor!
haha, so will Orkin be living in the Freedom House then?
::looks shifty eyed at Orkin- if that's his real name::
I don't know, dude. Is he glowing in that photo? I think he might be glowing...
Boy DJ, you sure know how to get into trouble with these people around here. I'm with Shandon, I laugh constantly at all the comments/bashing you get. I didn't know all of that about bats, but I can tell you, if one is in my house, it's dead! Sorry folks!
Bats still give me the heebie jeebies.
Don't bat droppings cause peripheral vision blindness?! Yikes!
Wow, Orkin is a ladies' man! It must be the smile. haha!
I think the men are intimidated by him for that reason (stealin' their thunder!). Silly people.
Elizabeth-- In larger amounts. So do BIRD droppings, though. I think it's safe to say that hanging out around mass amounts of poo from any being is not a good thing...
that is one UGLY m...... LOL!! mmm!!
LOL.. You should have called Orkin in the first place... LOL Now you need to do a shoot of you in a batman outfit :) I am rolling ...
ah! laughing so hard, i love it! orkin can join our snuggle sessions with cat.
I am glad to hear your taking responsibility on little by little.
DJ, one came into my house too awhile back, and I had to take care of business. Dad just got to do, what he has to.
Bravo David! I'm so happy for you! And I'm sorry that my comments came off so harshly.
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