My wonderful and beautiful girlfriend "officially" graduated from college this weekend! She finished all her classes last year but went through the formal ceremony on Saturday. It was a pretty

Allie and I also just celebrated 6 months of being together! ...and she knows the way to my heart b/c she made me a Showit Web slideshow of pictures of us!!! It's amazing! Check it out!

Here's a shot of Allie's family and god parents. We had such a blast together this weekend and they live up in Santa Cruz which is kinda like Santa Barbara and they are the sweetest people ever.

Tomorrow I head to Tennessee for a few days to pick out the bus for the tour. Fun! I'm still kinda under the weather and I got fried at graduation so if you see me and my face is peeling off please don't stare.
Have fun when you get to TN! THe weather is pretty nice here, but it is supposed ot be rainy near the end of the week. But the weather forecast is always changing here!
Awesome. Congrats Allie! I always prayed for a B...didn't always work. :-)
Oh my heavens, that slideshow is ADORABLE.
... I have a feeling she didnt use royalty free music though DJ ;)
Big Congrats to Allie. That's amazing... not ONE B. Yikes.
I also live right around the corner (almost literally) from Azusa Pacific. Great school.
Safe travels DJ.
Congrats Allie. Seeing the photo that says 2008 makes me feel old. I walked across that stage 10 years ago...ouch!
Safe travels DJ...would love to do breakfast burritos when you get back.
Cool! Congratulations to Allie. I love the slideshow, but I have one question for you DJ, that Sean Kingston and the Jamaican lingua don't make you wanna come to Jamaica. Apparently Allie likes Jamaican music so you better bring her to Jamaica and hook me up. lol!!
Lets let the facts speak for themselves DJ.......
2007 GSAC Men's Soccer Final Standings
2007 GSAC Women's Soccer Final Standings
OK--you're seriously going down for that dig on APU David. At least we HAD a photography program when you and I were in college. And APU was awesome enough for me not only to want to finish my schooling and graduate from there but stay for 4 years when I could have graduated in three. You're a little stinker!
Glad Melissa and Adam made the comments they did! Way so show your Cougar Pride Melissa and Adam! DJ....Both schools are amazing for different reasons. I just graduated with my M.Ed. on Saturday from APU and I work there full time! :) Congrats to Allie for a job well done and for all of her awards.
I'm a little behind on reading your blog!
Way to go Allie! I've always WISHED I could speak in public. Hopefully I'll get over that someday.
I'm not sure you guys are opposites... With college, maybe, but it seems you both are driven in life (by the looks of all Allie's cords around her neck!). God has different paths for us all, and I bet you're both following the right one.(Not that you don't already know this? :P ) Congrats on 6 months!
Thank you Ginger!!
Dj, I like that Jamaica idea... ;)
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