I was also stoked to see this on the Pictage forum! Someone started a poll and out of the people who voted over 79% used Showit Web! 47 out of 59 people! That's really cool and we are about to make Showit Web an even better tool so keep your eyes peeled in the weeks to come!

1. Speed - Showit Web can create a slideshow timed to the beat of music in 2 minutes!
2. Awesome Music - It includes awesome music so you don't have to pay extra for the music.
3. Cross Platform! You can use it and view it on Mac and PC.
4. Professional - These slideshows don't look like the everday ken burns slideshows that consumer programs create.
...and you can make money with it through Showit-DVD (and pretty soon you're gonna be able to offer mini albums for sale as well)
Rock on!
we made our first DVD sale from a showit show this week and i'm addicted. i can't wait to market those better and really hit it hard to try and make a TON of sales on those.
it's so nice to just sit back and watch the emails pop in saying "oh, you just made ___________ dollars. don't do anything for it either, we'll take care of it".
hahahahaha....sweet. gotta love outsourcing.
also, i'll be diving into showit sites more this week. i'll send you my (greatly anticipated, i'm sure) input right after.
Rock on!!! That's so awesome! I totally agree that there are few things more exciting than making money without doing a thing!
Also, I AM very excited to get your feedback! I read and respond to nearly every piece of feedback that comes in so bring it! :)
Dood! That's awesome - I don't own it yet, however I will buy it soon. Should I wait for the next version?
Also - you're blessed my friend... that's why 49/57 peeps use it... and of course it's a total professional awesome program.
Have a great week where ever the heck you are now... //e
Rock on!! That survey also shows that roughly one out of six people are crackheads. I know you were afraid to say it...but I'm not! ;)
DJ, it was a pleasure meeting you this past weekend. BTW, I'm switching from proshow gold to Showit web so I'm definitely going to keep an eye out for the changes! Take care.
So seriously.. I'm wanting to buy this but don't want to get ticked in two weeks when a new version comes out and I just paid full price for an old version..
What to do David? What to do?
Hey DJ,
That is so awesome! Question. Does your company have the rights to the music included? So, if I decided to go with your company... how can I be assured that I wouldn't get in trouble for using a band's music? Rare or not this is a risk I would be cautious about taking.
Hey Shealynn :) ... yes... we certainly do have rights to all the music included in Showit Web so you don't have to worry about a thing.
Rock on!
Sorry, I meant my last comment as a question..
When you offer a new version in a couple of weeks will somebody who buys it NOW get an update, or will they just get left out of all the fun?
Will existing users be offered a discount for upgrading? :)
The new version of Showit Web is a FREE update for ALL users! :)
DUDE! What else can you come up with? Seriously, you are constantly thinking up new ideas and making things better. It's awesome!!! Can't wait to get the new update. :)
I knew I've always liked you David!!
I am going to buy this program, but i have one question- how many songs are included?
Thank you
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