Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Thank You

Thanks to all of you who took the time to answer the short survey I sent out. There were over 1800 responses so I'm taking some time going through everything and just FYI - the survey was anonymous so I can't really respond to people who wrote in "call me" or


Thank you
lol....I still answer my emails personally but sometimes it just takes a little while.

Regis is that you?

As all of you know I have never put on a workshop myself even though I've been speaking on behalf of other companies for several years now. I guess there was always something that rubbed me wrong about putting myself "on-stage" and saying "come listen to me."

Anyway, next year I'm going to cut back on the workshops I do for other companies and just do 4 or 5 myself. I really want to choose where I invest my time and who I invest that time and energy with. If you didn't get the survey here is a sample of what I'm considering going over. Click the picture for a bigger view.


Stephen Anthony Photography said...

i want to hear more about your workshops!

I'm Kristen said...

oh, i seriously hope i can come to one!

Paige Kearin said...

Your workshops are going to be sweet.

Unknown said...

I really want to go to it. I know it will be awesome..

Jim Cook said...

DJ doesn't love me anymore. I didn't get a survey!

But you need to have one of your workshops in or near Kentucky!

The City Girl said...

those workshops sound awesome! i can't wait to go to one!!!

|| davidjay || said...

Jim! I will always love you. :)

I sent out the survey to everyone on my list so be sure it didn't get blocked. :)

Regis said...

I just hope that I can rack up enough "Freedom" points by then so that I get upgraded from the sofa to a portion of ANY bed :)

... and you might want to post directions on how to use the shower in the guest bathroom... I almost caught a cold trying to figure that thing out :)

Anonymous said...

I can't wait for one of these workshops! Thanks for "stepping outside the box" and putting a cool twist on it. :)