So I have a few images for you from Jessica Claire's blog! She did an amazing job and if you thought "Uncle Bob's" were difficult to deal with try having the Reverend Joe Buissink jumping in for shots along with Master Colon and his monster 200mm f/2.0 and the legendary Denis Reggie letting loose 10fps with each trigger pull.
I don't know how Jessica Claire even got a shot in and how she kept her sanity through it all.
See her blog for more AMAZING pictures and some of the pictures below are also from Jen Bebb who is an incredible photographer here in Canada. :)

So much emotions !
Congrats Dj, groom attendant !
Powerful Emotions in those shots...especially the 2nd and the 3rd shots. Awesome!
... and I am happy to see that there is finally proof that DJ does DANCE in public, and he looked like he could give Ricky Martin a run for his money (the proof is in Jessica Claire's slideshow on her blog).
Just looked at all the photos. I'm usually speechless at wedding photos but those are just simply stunning pics. Amazing wedding. I wish both of them the best together!
Haha Regis! That's awesome! I just put them on the blog for everyone!
beautiful stuff! but what's up in the 2nd photo... DJ, what are you doing to that woman to make her react like that?! is she crying, throwing up? what did you say?!!
just kidding : )
What an amazing time, and Jess and Jen did a great job capturing it.
Dj, I'm glad you we're able to just let loose on the dance floor. Way to go:P
what the heck! you were dancing!!!??? where did that come from???? haha
Seriously the best shots of Jess's that I've seen! WOW! :)
I saw that series of Gary on Jessica's blog, it almost made me cry and I don't even know him!
Oh, and can I just say: you go with your bad self, DJ!
Oh my word, those are gorgeous!
These are beautiful. That pool of water looks so relaxing! The happiness on your faces is palpable!
Absolutely beautiful images - love the slide show by Jessica!!!
dude did you realize you linked jess 3 times! haha:)
i've watched all the videos and saw all of these's such an unbelievable wedding!! i cried watching the video on gary's page! i hope you had a blast :)
I love how Gary and Missy love for each other is so INFECTIOUS!!!!
Congrats you guys!!!!
This is not fair... I wasn't invited. Anyway i maybe I will be invited to their baby's naming ceremony. Congrats to Missy and Gary.
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