Monday, August 27, 2007

Special Moment with Mike Colon

Nathan Holritz shot this video of a special moment between me and Mike Colon and you won't want to miss it!


Chris Humphreys said...

Dude that's freakin hilarious!!

Jillian said...


PURE Studios said...

Too funny!
(Hope you two aren't sharing a room at PartnerConference LA next month)!

kennykimdotcom said...

LOL...dude that is hilarious. DJ, if you were a korean I would call you the master of homodo. i'll explain what that means next time I see you. too funny though...oh gosh...

Jeff said...

Freaking hilarious!!!

Unknown said...

Thats funny man. Mikes red face was priceless.

Daniel J. Watkins said...

Me next!!!!

Jim Cook said...

It is a wonder you have friends!

Daniel J. Watkins said...

Everybody wants a piece of DJ...or DJ wants a piece of everybody! ;)

I'm Kristen said...


That is FUNny!!

Deyl said...

master of homodo... i think that might stick Kenny

Daniel J. Watkins said...

Be careful if you google the word "homodo" from an office computer!!! LOL

I guess DJ got his birthday present????

Jim Cook said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jim Cook said...

Wow -- this place is VERY educational. I learned a new word, "homodo" and I also leaned to never turn my back on DJ.

Regis said...

DJ, I hope you washed your hands afterwards.

Katherine said...

That's sooo funny!!!! Mike's comment, "was that your hands the whole time?"

Good one Deej

faithsalutes said...

i watched this without sound at work and cracked up. you love man butt deej.

Nicholaus Haskins said... said "cracked up!"

funny stuff! You guys must be having a blast down there!

Kevin Sturm said...

That made me feel uncomfortable all the way through my computer.

Christian said...

Oh my gosh, I'm crying with laughter! So funny... thanks for posting it.

Jim Cook said...

Hey DJ, when my proctologist goes on vacation next week, can you fill in for him?

STEVE DePINO said...

You are to much man!!!!!

Megan said...

sweet. now everyone at work is wondering why i was just watching a video of man on man action.

c r y s t a l said...

priceless!! Thanks for the laugh!

Rachel Brooke said...

I cannot believe this! I'm sure Mike was mortified!

Unknown said...

I haven't laughed that hard in front of my computer in ages! Sorry Mike! DJ, thanks for sharing your trip to the Grand Canyon with us.

ron said...

pretty funny!

Regis said...

I felt so dirty after watching the video.

David Burke said...

HAHAHAHA!! Hilarious is the only word that comes to mind!

Sarah Renée said...

Hahaha, funny yet disturbing at the same time!!

PS>> Haaaappy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to YOU! Happy Birthday dear DeeeeJayyyyy...HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!!!!!!!!!!

Hope your day is WONDERFUL! Miss ya!

Anonymous said...

That was THE BEST! Definitely a new definition of "close friends".

kennykimdotcom said...

Hey DJ, happy birthday bro. 30 is right around the corner now. :-)

Nicholaus Haskins said...

Happy Birthday Man!

Anonymous said...

Wedding? Wedding? Where is the wedding?

JeffersonTodd said...

Wow! That was hilarious! I loved how he let you go down a ways before he locked his buttocks!

Ginger Murray said...

Let's keep it PG for those of us who look like we're 12!!

Ha, jk:)
That was great. Thanks for the giggles.

I love that Jefferson said "buttocks!"

(Haha... wow, now I'm acting like I actually am 12!)

John + Lovina Arcara said...

Hey DJ you should change the title to "A Special Moment with Mike's Colon." Looks like you guys had a great vacation!

Scarlett Lillian // Jacksonville Senior Photographer said...

LOL that was SO funny! Thanks for your latest comment on my blog. And happy belated birthday!

Ana Gabriela said...

Happy Birthday to you, you belong to the Zoo, and you smell like a monkeyyyyyy, and you look like one too!!!!!!!!!

HEHEHEHEHEEEEE I'm just kidding! this was so freaking hillarious, there's no other word. Thank God you're great friends hahaha...

hope you had a blast!

amber said...

that was A-MAZINGLY funny! thanks for that ;)

Jennifer Turner said...

ok... wow... I didn't get to watch this til just now... that was AMAZING!!!

I seriously have NOT laughed like that in a LONG time!!!