Wednesday, August 08, 2007

I saved Tiny!

The PPA meeting went great! There are lots of awesome photographers here in SB and I was stoked to meet so many of you! Let's all hang out again soon!

I also have some good video from the presentation that Kristin helped me capture and I'll be putting it up on the Freedom Club! Rock on!

...but the real highlight of today was when I saved Tiny. Watch the video once YouTube releases it. It will be ready soon but I'm going to bed because I'm going to LA tomorrow so I have to sleep.


Gary Fong, Author said...

oh man that was FUNNY. Tiny is so dumb when you think about it - went to the wrong house next door! NEXT DOOR!

Brendan said...

Best line: "you bite me, I'll kill you."

Regis said...

Tiny looks delicious... although he is only appetizer size.

Michael Costa said...

That's pretty much the most adorable thing ever.....


Nathan Sawatzky Photography said...

Photographer, or animal saviour..DJ, I think you need to re-think your calling in this world!

Lloyd said...

hahahahaha, that's just hilarious!! LOL

Vanessa said...

Few thoughts:

"You bite me, I'll kill you" followed by "awww, you're shaking!"- surprised? Dogs can sense malice.

Tiny must be heavier than he looks.

Do you think your neighbor thinks it's weird that you videotaped yourself saving her dog?


Anonymous said...

Definitely best line.."you bite me, I'll kill you." I love how you're like, aww come here sweetie, don't be afraid..then "you bite me, I'll kill you." Sounds like something I would have said!

megan dailor said...

David Jay=Snow White?

Ginger Murray said...

If another animal comes to your house, you might have to start wondering if it's some sort of secret animal meeting place...or that maybe you are an animal savior and they are all out on a journey to find you! Haha!
You bite me, I'll kill you... love it.

Janell said...

David Jay = The Santa Barbara "WHISPERER." Hummingbird, dog...can't wait to see what's next! :)

Alex Robb said...

I think Tiny knows a better house when he sees one. Must be looking forward to the remo!

The Willcox Family said...

That was Gr8!!! Animals and birds know to come to you, in order to be rescued. There is something about your spirit that lets them know that they are safe with you.

Amanda Harris said...

What a great way to meet your neighbor's - rescue their dog :) I agree with Brendan - "you bite me, I'll kill you". Animal whisperer all the way :)

amynave said...

That is the funniest video. I agree, the "you bite me I kill you" line had me rolling.

Hmm, I wonder what's next........ Just keep the video camera attached to your hip so you're prepared.

Brittany Leigh said...

DJ's next business endeavor...Animal Planets "creature savior!" lool

too cute!

Sarah Renée said...

Hahahaha...ok, Gary Fong & Vanessa's comments were the best!
How much did that dog weigh DJ? You seemed a little out of breath... ;)

Unknown said...

What will be great is when the deer finally do come to his house and DJ will be like 'oh hey deer, how's it goin'? Maybe I should save you or something...'

Then when he rolls up on the deer it will be like that moose in the back of the car in Tommy Boy and DJ will get the crap kicked out of him by the deer. Now I would PAY to see that video on OSP! :)


The City Girl said...

i can't wait to hear what you'll say to the deer! you do know they're more skiddish than dogs, right? that "kill you" line might scare them away:)

Brendan said...

David Jay = Ace Ventura

Ana Gabriela said...

David Jay = Evan Almighty!!
If you haven't seen it yet, YOU HAVE TO!!!