Saturday, June 30, 2007
Friday, June 29, 2007
Empty hands...
I'll fill you in after dinner. I'll have my phone tomorrow but I think Apple built more hype than AT&T could handle and there are a lot of unhappy people as a result.
I am so hungry. I haven't eaten anything since lunch yesterday besides a donut that the guy ahead of me brought.
Right now i'm heading over to pick up pizzas for everyone waiting in's kinds cool because everyone is like family here.
Me, Deyl, and Brett are chillin outside the AT&T store waiting for 6:00 to roll around... We went to one store earlier and that's the picture you see. I parked my car at the end of the line so I could be more comfortable but when I heard the line was half as long at the store in goleta I was outta there!
So we're out by Costco and thinking about buying some patio furniture at Costco to wait on!
More to come...
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Rockin Start!

I just checked and in one day there are already 436 members and 197 of you have subscribed to get all the cool stuff inside! Also, We went through 43 gigs of Bandwidth yesterday! LOL! ...and people from over 25 countries logged on! I knew this would be a hit internationally b/c it's so difficult for photographers in other countries to get our stuff shipped to them and so the web is a perfect way to distribute this.

bye bye,
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
The Freedom Club!

Dude! I sent out my newsletter early this morning and I'm stoked so many of you are into the Freedom Club idea!
Also, I had a few goofs early on (sorry about that) but I think they are fixed so everyone should be able to see the videos now and we'll also be going to Flash video soon so that'll make it an even more enjoyable experience for everyone! was my most expensive domain acquistion so far but I really wanted it. $1500 just for the URL...crazy but it's cool b/c that's what the Freedom Club is all about. Getting Free from the mass of noise out there and getting just the info you need from people who've proven themselves. I've had the priviledge to learn from so many successful and incredibly [b]right photographers who do things differently than I do and I intend on getting many of them involved too so we can help find the information that will work for you.
Click here to see the email with more links and info.
Rock on!
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Security breach!
I just landed in Denver and we had to wait on the plane because of a security breach! Yikes! But once I got off the plane I remembered why I love Denver so much! Beautiful people! It's like the U.S. version of Switzerland!
Anyway...i'm gonna walk around and see if I can figure out what the security breach was.
Your comments below were funny...I wasn't feeling well this morning but I feel ok now. I just ate some applesauce and that helped.
Wrong flight
Somehow I got on the wrong flight and we haven't taken off yet but i'm too lazy to get off the plane. I guess my gate changed but I didn't check it so i'm on my way to Denver instead of San's weird because it says the right flight number on my ticket...huh...whatever. I guess I'll just see where I end up and deal with it then.
Early morning
Well I almost missed my 6:15am flight this morning because I was talking to my buddy Todd in AZ! It was 3am for him but we got chatting and so excited about stuff. I'm headed home for a few days and be ready for a cool announcement coming later today in my newsletter which you can sign up for on this page! :)
Monday, June 25, 2007
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Jason Groupp is an incredible photographer from NY and he helped me shoot which was awesome because he gets killer shots and is super fun to hang with. If you ever have a chance to see how he shoots be sure to take advantage of it! Also, I think another reason I enjoyed this wedding so much is because of this new feature that the Mark 3 has which allows me to not think at all and just focus on getting the shots. Jason will confirm how awesome this feature is and get on my newsletter today if you want to get a free video of me talking about it.
Checkout the slideshow!
What is Hell?
Go to the site to see more and watch the video below!
Watch them all! These are so funny!
Friday, June 22, 2007
A response for David Jay

We would like to acknowledge recent attempts in the media to descredit David Jay's commitment to personal excellence and physical well being.
A recent posting by a Mr. Deyl Kearin title "Lazy I Am" encourages speculation that because there were two pairs of running shoes left behind by David Jay that Mr. Jay hasn't been keeping up with his rigorous exercise regimen.

***** I am David Jay and I approve this message *****
Flyleaf and Britt Nicole!
I just bought that Flyleaf video on iTunes! Here's the video on YouTube and you can buy the video for only $2. I also bought Britt Nicole's song "I Wann Set the World on Fire" which I ABSOLUTELY LOVE and everyone says they come to my Myspace page daily to listen to it and it just came for sale so buy it here!
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Alive Slideshow 2007
The first is Stellar Kart and I have to claim them because their first appearance at the Alive Festival was in the video I made for Thirst Relief which you can see on my MySpace page. These guys just get it and I know they are gonna be a huge success for one reason - the way they treat their fans. Several times during their set the lead singer came down off the stage and interacted with them and the response was amazing. Then they stood outside of their secure eating area and let fans come up and chat with them and get autographs instead of hiding and trying to shy away from them.
Then FlyLeaf came on and - WOW! I'm not usually a hard rock guy but I LOVED them and the song is the slideshow is one of their mellow songs but you've gotta check'em out!
The last band I shot was Jeremy Camp - he's just a stud and their little light show made it super fun to shoot.
All these shots are straight out of camera - no corrections or cropping and I was really stoked with how the Mark 3 handled the crazy lighting conditions and last week I found a secret feature on the Mark 3 that nobody knows about and it's unreal!!! I can't believe Canon didn't tell us about it. I will tell you guys about it next week. ;)
Barlowgirl was playing today but I had to leave :( ....they are gonna rock as always.
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Alive 2007

We watched as a new band inhale/exhale worked on a music video in the studio. Super fun to watch that process.
Then I met up with Nick Coury from BuckeyeColor lab (who connected me with Jim) and Dan Speicher for dinner and then headed to find Crysal Hutchinson at the opening night of the alive concert.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Guess where!

Abigail Smith
She's a rockin photographer from Oklahoma!
Monday, June 18, 2007
I hate leaving but I love going! It's been a few weeks since I've flown anywhere so I was settling into SB but now it's 5 trips pretty back to back. Ohio-Maine-Tennessee-Paris...and then hopefully London as well.
I'm excited because when I get home from all this I might have a house waiting for me! All the inspections have been going really well so i'm starting to get super stoked! Next week I have a few days at home and we're gonna have a company come out and tell us all the things we can do to make sure our improvements are eco-friendly. Really the only two main things I want to do are to put in bamboo flooring and a waterfall that spans all three stories...and a new new shower but that might have to wait.
Funny and ALIVE FEST info!!!

Click here to listen!
...and I leave tonight for the Alive Festival and I'm amped to meet up with some of you! I'm staying at the Hilton right next to the airport because I'm just flying in mid day tomorrow and flying out to Maine on Thursday so tomorrow night anyone who can get together for dinner and then the festival should post up here and I guess we can just connect at the hotel or a restaurant or something! The festival is free tomorrow night so let's connect if you're nearby! A few people have emailed already so I'll try and email you back tonight.
Saturday, June 16, 2007
How to kill your business - FAST
It really made me sick that somebody had lead him to believe that putting ads in magazines was a good way to get his business off the ground and now it was about to be the very thing that put his business six feet underground! Advertising does still have it's place in our industry BUT NOT DURING STARTUP!
I'm reading a book called Punk Marketing right now and checkout this quote...
"It used to be possible to reach potential consumers easily. According to an analysis by Willard Bishop Consulting back in 1995 it took the airing of a TV commercial just three times to reach 80% of woman ages 18-49...but five years leater, reaching the same demographic required airing that awful commercial ninety-seven times. The media market has fragmented beyond recognition."

If this is what happened to television think what happend with magazines over the past 10 years with the new world of blogs and online content!
Times have changed friends and if you're trying to do things the way the last generation of photographers did you're gonna get left behind.
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Dumb They Are
LOL... Well I guess it was meant to be "Fast I Am" because I just got my 2nd pair! Wow! I have a feeling this product might get discontinued...
So cool!

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

These pictures were taken by the fabulous Jessica Del Vecchio
It's been so fun to watch and see what people order and we've been getting a bunch of engagement slideshows ordered as well as family portraits. Yesterday some lady order 5 DVD's of her families portrait session! ...which totally surprised me but I guess people are starting to enjoy having a Showit-DVD memory of events that aren't story based! So cool!

It's funny to watch as orders come in because a photographer will always order one and then the next week they'll order a bunch more because once you've seen how nice these things are you'll want all your clients to have them.
I always love to hear feedback (both positive and negative) so please send it along or post here or on OSP!
Rock on!
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Great quote!
They just went to a marriage retreat this weekend and she sent me this great quote so I wanted to pass it along because it kinda has to do with what I was talking about in my post earlier today!
Watch your thoughts because your thoughts become your words.
Watch your words because your words become your actions.
Watch your actions because your actions become your habits.
Watch your habits because your habits become your character.
Watch your character because your character becomes your destiny.
Fast I Am

Yesterday was the CIPPA workshop and we had a great time! I've gotta say that I was super impressed with everyone there. Sometimes when I speak on the east coast I hear photographers say "Well...that might work for you guys on the west coast where everyone is rich and just throws there money around but it won't work here." and then when I speak on the west coast I sometimes here, "The market is so saturated here so I can't charge a lot..." and yesterday was so awesome because there wasn't any of that!

Kristin snapped this shot of me and yesterday I was so dumb b/c I video taped the first hour but pushed the wrong button so there is no audio. DOH!
Monday, June 11, 2007
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Back to Paris!

I have a wedding in Tennessee on the 7th and then I'll grab a flight the next morning to get into Paris on the 9th and start the workshop on the 10th. Canon Explorer of light and Oprah's photographer Bob Davis will be tag teaming this with me so that will be super fun! Bob's been one of my inspirations over the years and I'm stoked to get to do a workshop with him.
Click here to read a little's a rough english translation but it's kinda cool and sign up quick if you wanna come. I may not be back to Europe again this year because I have lots of projects to work on here
....and if you're bored click here and watch this sick video! You won't regret it. All the good shots are Swan's but all the video is of meeeee! :)
You'll notice me sporting my Shootsac and I can't even begin to tell you all how much I love it. This was the greatest addition (substitution) to my gear bag in years. I'm not joking - get one!
Saturday, June 09, 2007

Deyl is the latest and I have no doubt he's going to make a huge difference in the world! His last day was yesterday and he was at my house at 9am getting papers signed for the house (he's representing me) and then he was off to work on another deal up north.

Ever since he resigned it's been like one celebration after the other and I have a feeling it's not going to stop. It's so inspiring to see people refuse security and pursue a higher level of success!
Click here to go and congratulate him!
Lots of stuff happening
So the first announcement is that the Mark III is insanely awesome. I've been doing lots of playing around with it and have been testing it against all the other cameras. I'm doing side by side tests with the Mark III, MarkII, 5d, and the 30d and also playing with all the new features.
The 2nd announcement is that I'm back in this house game! Wow! It's crazy how many things go into buying a house. Seems like every day there are people up there inspection this or that and telling you all the stuff you have to fix.
This house is pretty unique because it's at the very top of Santa Barbara and it's on the side of a cliff so the views are the best in the whole town...and I'm really not exaggerating that at all. This video doesn't even do it justice but it gives you an idea of how you can see the whole city as well as the ocean. I hope all of you get to see it someday.
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
Game on!
Me Deyl and Chris and Katie Humphrey's are starting a round of cashflow! If I have a two kids in the first two rounds i'm quiting!
Monday, June 04, 2007
I did it!

I almost gave up at 85. I actually took a screenshot and I was gonna make a post and go to bed but then I said no way! I'm so close and so I jammed out 15 more in the last 30 minutes. Wow. Off to bed now. Thanks for your patience everyone!
Slideshow! :)
I also did something that I've never done before and that was I let my 2nd shooter, Kristin Renee, put in EVERY shot she picked for the slideshow! Typically I grab all the shots of mine that I want to use and get them stoked out with Showit Effects and then if there is time the other shooters can go through their shots. So in the past I've always brought along great photographers but they'll come back to me with a selection of like 80 shots and so then I'll go through and pick out the ones I want to use...but every shot that Kristin picked was so good I couldn't even thin it down so 12 or 13 of these are hers.
Sunday, June 03, 2007
Fong Dong is Everywhere

So I'm just sitting around minding my own business enjoying the day off from weddings...and from my balcony I spot someone using the Fong Dong. I thought it was funny because they are seriously everwhere so I always take pictures when I see them.
Go Deyl Go!!!

I couldn't be down there to cheer him on so I'm cheering here on my blog!
Go Deyl Go!!!
*Update* He finished in under 4 hours which means he ran every mile in under 10 min! Gnarly!!!! He's a machine!
Saturday, June 02, 2007
Online Social Media Stuff

1st - Cut Frame.TV (formerly has added some key functionality that will now allow the view count to increase on embedded shows - I have sent them lots of hate mail about this. :)...Go here to see the rest of the updates!
Cut Frame.TV has definitely been my choice for posting and browsing videos because of it's "Nicheness" and the quality of the videos is better.
I hope their next update holds the aspect ratio of 16x9 videos and has a b/w semi-transparent branding to it. We all know that the viewers eye will go first to the brightest and then the warmest area of an image and so SPM's branding has red and white in it so it's kind of distracting whereas YouTube's is bigger but it's semi-transparent.

I just got my TV shipped in. Thank you to the Barlow Fam for taking good care of it for me. :) ....and I'll probably be getting the Apple TV setup today and to be able to display YouTube videos on there is very very very cool.
Friday, June 01, 2007
Why didn't you just ask! :)

Apparently a lot of you were waiting on the super sale of the year to order Showit stuff! I am absolutely blown away at the response to the newsletter and I'm so excited that these Showit apps are helping so many people! I checked out the store and saw that we had almost 400 orders in one day!
...and I was super encouraged to see so many people excited about the Showit-DVD's!
These are all posts just from today!