Friday, February 23, 2007

Bye bye

Bye bye, originally uploaded by davidjay13.

I'm just leaving SB and I actually don't have a return flight and I don't know when i'm coming home. It will be sometime before Wppi.

But I'm gonna see so many friends in the next couple of weeks so I'm excited! Right now i'm headed up to hangout with Gary and Missy and Bob and Dawn Davis are coming up too!

Then on Monday Pictage is coming up and we're gonna have a "boondoggle" -sp? ...I don't even know what that is but that's what Shyla told me it was. Sounds fun!

Oh yea...I only brought my backpack of clothes. I found it's way nicer on long trips that. involve lots of destinations to just bring a small bag and send the laundry out mid way through so i'm not having to lug a big bag around.

Ok...i'm gonna take off now. Takeoffs are scary but santa Barbara is so beautiful to fly out of because you fly out over the ocean and it's almost like a sightseeing tour.

:) bye



Vanessa said...

i greatly admire your packing skills. you're an inspiration to many ;)

i can't wait to hear about the imagination is running're going to have a blast!

bye,bye DJ :)

|| davidjay || said...

I had to leave my hair curler behind but that's ok ;)

Whoa...I almost just missed my flight. Pictage booked the flights and I didn't look at the itinerary till last night and really only looked at when I was leaving and landing and I didn't know I had to take another flight from Portland to Seattle in between. oops.

I was sitting around eating and wondering why my layover was so it makes sense...anyway...I made it.

Anonymous said...


I wish we could pack like you! When I take my wife and triplets out for even an overnighter we practically have to rent a Uhaul. Have fun on your various adventures. Look forward to seeing you when you get back.


Shyla said...

'boon·dog·gle' [boon-dog-uhl],
a project funded by the federal government out of political favoritism that is of no real value to the community or the nation.


Patricia Wells said...

I wanna go too!


I can't wait to hear what's happening!

Paige Kearin said...

Have fun...we will miss you. Come back soon.

kennykimdotcom said...

Look forward to seeing you in May in chicago!

|| davidjay || said...

Oh Yea! I'm amped about Chicago! I'll be there almost every month through the summer! Chicago rocks!

Sarah Barlow said...

Heck yeah it does! So excited to see you!

Deyl said...

thats why we need to get a jet... no more layovers or missing flights :)

Jacquie Van Tichelt said...

Hey that plane is much BIGGER than the one I flew out of SB in. Mine was a mini plane hee hee. SB is beautiful! Hope you have fun!!!