I know it's only been 3 days since we celebrated that OSP had reached 50,000 posts but in the last 3 days (since Gary Fong featured OSP on his blog) We've had 93 new super cool people join! How awesome is that! So that pushed us over the 1000 mark tonight and I wanted to be around when it happened but I had a PICTAGE PUG meeting. Who was the 1000th person! I can figure it out through my new member emails I think but if somebody knows that post it up! Yea!!! Another thing that is so cool is that all the new members immediately recognized that this place is different and that the vibe is so awesome!
I'm so stoked! You guys rock!
Part-ay! Congrats DJ
'turtlette' is out 1,000th! (Amanda, 'turtle''s wife :)
:) I Think she's #1000 but that's because the forum didn't reset when some duplicate members were removed so the numbering is a bit off.
hey yo. i am new member too!!!
thanks to attending the Mike Colon seminar last week. i had a few young photographers tell me that is the place ot be. OSP
i now will spread the word up here in Saskatchewan , Canada.
DJ. i have heard so many wonderful things about you.
keep on keep'in on . what you are doing is great!
Hey DJ! I'm gonna be in town this coming Sunday. I was thinking maybe you, me, Jesus and Jasmine could go to dinner? ;)
Congrats bro!!
Amanda has joined!...Amanda Sakundiak from Saskatoon, Saskatchewan!! (Try saying that 3 times fast)
DJ, your fan base is broadening!
yay for OSP!!
Duuuude, how does it feel to have Gary Fong be your reference?!? It's like the Godfather has spoken :) Make sure and stay on his good side or else you might end up standing in a bucket of cement ;) Hehe
If anyone is in town and wants more company for dinner, I'd be down. Why not celebrate 1,000, that's soooooo sooooo awesome!!!!
If I could find something bad to say about him I'd probably be dumb enough to say it but the more I get to know him the more I see what an awesome guy he is and how continually he's given himself to this industry to get it to where it's at. I think he's successful because he made his career about helping people and he's still doing it long after he needs to. That shows how quality he is!
DJ...it takes one nice person to know another :)
"Birds of a feather, flock together!"
DJ I am a huge fan of yours. You are so freaking ambitious and smart I just dig watching all these cool things happen to you, you deserve it!
the above "gary" was me LOL
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