Thursday, January 01, 2009

Happy New Year Everyone!

I hope you all had a wonderful celebration tonight.

I admit that I'm very excited to wrap up 2008 and God gave me the most beautiful sunset of the year to close it out on. I will show it to you tomorrow but until then I just want to leave off saying thank you for being part of my life in big ways and small ways. Your comments have caused me laughter and at times even tears. This world of the blogosphere is a funny one but I don't need to understand it to appreciate you.

Thank you again and much love and many blessings in 2009.



Bobby Earle said...

2009 is going to be RIPPING!!! I can tell! Wish we could have seen this sunset tonight at your place. I just stayed in as I'm still feeling a little under the weather.

So glad that you're able to see that so many people care about you Deej. As far as I'm concerned, you're on the top of my list for "people who deserve an awesome year."


Os à Moëlle said...

Bonne année et meilleurs voeux pour 2009 !
Hi David, may 2009 will bless you more and more.
All the best from France and thank you again for your good words and for everything you've inspired for europeans wedding photographers.
Best wishes and see you again asap !

Brad Person said...

Same to you, DJ. All the best in 2009 !!!

Anonymous said...

Good Morning! We're looking 2009 right in the face. Let's take on 2009 with our feet firmly planted on the ground! I agree with Bobby, It's gonna be an awesome year! I'll be blogging about it later today!

Anonymous said...

Happy New Years to you to DJ. Thanks for all the cool products to use!

Unknown said...

Happy New Year!!!!

[ davidbrenot ] said...

Happy New Year to you my friend !
Hope to see you again in 2009 !
Thank's to all you make for me !
All the best for you in 2009, and hope see another great wedding pictures from you ...

Rock on !


Deyl said...

its going to be epic! thanks for being a part of my life

Syed SYPhotography said...

Happy 2009 my friend.. It's been a great 2008 but I pray for a better 2009 for all of us.

Can't wait to finish my new site (Showit Sites - ofcourse)

Bea said...

Happy New Year from Spain!!! Maybe I'll improve my english reading your post!! Kisses. Beatriz

Cynthia Q. said...

Happy New Year DJ! Thanks for being such an inspiration.