Friday, January 09, 2009

Another incredible morning

Another incredible morning, originally uploaded by davidjay13.

I've been getting up for all the sunrises and they just keep getting
better and better. There has been this layer of fog in SB and I love
it because it totally covers the city so it feels like heaven and is
so peaceful.

I'm getting ready to head to AZ for the imaging confernce and I'm
super excited to see my parents and old friends while I'm there!

Here's a quote for you from the Minute of Margin book I posted about

"An inch of time is an inch of gold but you can't buy that inch of time with an inch of gold"

- Chinese Proverb


RKPhoto said...

So where's the OSP party going to be at Imaging?? ha!

Michael said...

did you shoot this morning's views with the 5DII? cause that would be epic! congrats on the mornings.

|| davidjay || said...

Nope - just the iPhone :) ...good idea though!

Anonymous said...


Killer shot man!

Bobby Earle said...

Looks amazing! I love that you don't just own the raddest house in the world. You really enjoy and appreciate it, as well :)


Ginger Murray said...


I lived in a castle in Austria for awhile, and the view was like that sometimes... you have your own castle above the clouds! Seriously gorgeous.

Have fun at Imaging!

Caroline Ghetes said...

Very cool image! Very jealous of your view! Have fun at the conference. Sucks that I couldn't go : (

Splendid! Photography said...

I am so jealous... I wish I could come to Imaging... I wish I could go to any of the conferences! :( Maybe next year!!! :)

Have a great time with your family!

Cynthia Q. said...

Reminds me of seeing the sunrise on top of Mt. Haleakala in Maui (scroll down for some pics in the reviews) or out of an airplane.

Lynn-Kai Chao said...

wow only when you live that high! thats amazing!

Mike Larson said...

wow, I love it!

Armin DeFiesta said...

That image is very heavenly indeed!

Gary Fong, Author said...

we are under that cloud!

Melissa Jill :) said...

That's crazy--both the sunset and that you've been getting up for them all! :)

Anonymous said...

Amazing shot! I want the

Anonymous said...

lovin' that quote. The image is breathtaking. I like the angles in it.

Kate Noelle said...

Wow! I love the fog! You've gotta be thinking you're a lucky guy to see that from your house! Keep enjoying the sunrises! I'm up with you...but in a coffee shop...ha!

Prema Buck said...

So beautiful and peaceful!

Anonymous said...

GORGEOUS!! :) I've only seen a view like that from an airplane!

Kevin Sturm said...

Hey man. Wish our schedules would have crossed in AZ.

This comment really has nothing to do with this post. Have you seen this website? I think you'll like the idea.

It's a pretty cool concept. My friend Ross King's album is on the front page, which is one of the reasons I think it's cool.

Let's hang when you get back home. Haven't seen you in months.