I was at the HOA convention which is the regional PPA group for the middle of the country and everyone was so great and I tried Sweet Tea for the first time! When my videographer Paul was in SB he tried to order it and the waiter laughed at him so I was curious what it was. :) Yummy.
Here's a shot of me and Sam and my twin! lol...actually Sam's husband and she said some really sweet things on her blog so go check it out! It was funny at lunch because we went and ate and had a great conversation but then I had to run back for my second presentation but that's ok.

...and as soon as the others post up pictures I'll snag them and post them too. I bet they are all sleeping because we went out to an amazing dinner and ice cream late last night.
Ok...I'm in Denver now but heading back to SB in a few minutes! Yea! In the next two weeks I'll be in OC-SD-AZ-Chicago-NY-Atanta-Denver and I'm super stoked to meet up with a few of you in those cities!
Rock on,
Yah for AZ time!!!! It's about time you visited the homeland!! I know there are no beautiful 'oceans' but we do have cacti--lots of them!!!!!
That book is so good. If you like it, check out The Cross Centered Life.
What??? You've never had sweet tea???!!!
Easily the best book on Humility. C.J. Mahaney is the man.
Isn't sweet tea the greatest?! When the waiter or waitress tells you that you can add sweet 'n low to the unsweet tea, it just isn't the same. =)
Dude...you've gotta try Meredith's sweet tea!! Talk about southern to the core...and I've got the extra pounds to prove it's goodness! :-)
That looks like an awesome book! I'll have to check it out.
Southern Hospitality = a glass of sweet tea.
Of course we all know where sweet tea originated, right? Well, it ain't Nebraska! Come to Virginia and try the slow brewed REAL stuff.
What the heck is sweet tea? (just sweetened tea?)
DJ, I'm trying to understand how you stay ALIVE when you travel this much! (are you an x-men?)
I bet there's a recipe for good sweet tea online?
I've never had a job until now where I work very little with people face to face. It really does get old! (especially for an extrovert!)
Does it taste anything like McDonald's sweet tea!? See you soon DJ! Nice shirt bro. :)
Great to meet you David! Thanks again for coming to Nebraska!
I didn't get a chance to 'meet' you at HOA but I enjoyed your morning seminar(I am the one that laughed outloud when you said 'Macs never crashed - I am still trying to recover from mine's crash...)! Glad you enjoyed NE! Hope you enjoy the CJ Mahaney book - that one is on my list of books I need to read.
Sun brewed sweet tea: Throw 14 tea bags in a gallon jar fill with water and place on window sill in the sun.
After 3 hours open jar squeeze & remove tea bags.
Add 1 1/3 cups of sugar.
Pour over ice and enjoy a little bit of Virginia!
Looks like he is really following your marketing advice, like the haircut and 2 day stubble. At least he has a good example...
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