Wednesday, April 16, 2008

It's my mom's fault

Ok I noticed that a bunch of you already saw Crystal's blog about the glasses but it is totally my mom's fault and my friends who knew me way back in the day will back me up.

Ya see there was no need for counters at my house because if you set something on it then it magically drifted straight into the dishwasher. Sometimes I would get a glass out and set it on the counter and then open the fridge to get some juice and turn around to pour the juice in the glass and the glass was already in the dishwasher. I thought I was going loony but really it was just my wonderful mom who liked things clean. So long story short - it's not my fault. :)


THE assistant said...

All those ninja mind tricks...poor thing! She probably didn't even know she was doing it. : )

Jules said...

I would lose things for awhile because of my mom. She sees something, and will put it in a drawer, on a shelf, in box, or in the garage. I'd be puzzled as to how I'd lose things so quickly, but realized that it was because my mom has been moving my things.

Anonymous said...

How funny. In our house my Mom would do the same....of course there were 5 boys in our more often than not it was one of the boys losing my Mom's things than her losing ours.

laurie said...

okay so I needed a laugh to start my day and this totally did it!

Daniel J. Watkins said...

I have the same problem with pot roasts...

Bobby Earle said...

Dude! That's what Lindsay (my wife) ALWAYS does! But she even does it when I'm cooking us dinner. She'll put up ingredients that I just took out :) It drives me mad but I love it at the same time.

Really wish I could go to the SD Showit deal on Sunday. So bummed about that :(


Contemporary Portraits said...

What is funny is that I see my two year old doing the same thing!! I am an OCD mom some times!!!

Melissa Pearce said...

OMG my mom is so the same way. she runs her dishwasher twice a day sometimes because she loads it so darn fast. I would just fill a glass with the last of something-- like my fave juice --and I'd set it down for a few minutes and it was gone. In the dishwasher.