Also, you'll notice that the clock is unplugged. It's a good idea to unplug the clocks and phones when you get into a hotel room because I can't tell you how many times the person in the room before me had the alarm set for 4am or something whack like that...and phone's ringing are just annoying and it always scares me when the phone rings in the hotel room b/c there is usually one on the desk, one on the nightstand, and one in the bathroom so it's like surround sound ringing and I don't like that.
I've been reading all day and came across some really interesting stuff in the USA Today where it suggests backing up in the "cloud" just like I've been suggesting for the past year! Get your images on SmugMug and stop messing around with those crazy setups and RAID systems and what-not. Get it in the cloud! :)

Lastly I'm missing Amy, Vanessa and Emily tonight because every week we get together and cook dinner and watch Dancing with the Stars. Tonight I'll be ordering room service and watching it here in NY but I wish I was home with them! I read about how Steve Wozniak is using the web to up his ratings and stay in the race! He's one of my favorites along with the gymnast. She is so cute. Oh my gosh. I love her.