Tonight was incredible! I am still in awe at how wonderfully well it went! It's 1am and we're cruising down the road towards Austin and I can't wait to get there. I really believe this is what I'm meant for and to have the chance to come and meet so many of you is the most exciting thing for me! I really feel like I'm living my dream.
We'll have more pics and videos to post up tomorrow but here are a few from my stellar photographer friend Kenny Kim! Be sure to checkout his blog and facebook for more pics!
I just saw the sweetest post pop up from Patricia at Plum Tree Studios about tonight so be sure to check that out too! It was a packed house and so much fun!
Here are some pics from Kenny's blog! He's freaking amazing and that's why we brougt him out to document the first part of our trip and if we had more bunks here in the bus we'd keep him on the whole time!

Hey DEEJ!!!! We were supposed to have cocktails after! Where did you sneak off to?!! :P
Deej...Jazz...it was so great to see you two again. It was my friends Michelle, Steve, and Martin's first time to attend something like this. Jazz...OMG....you make us cry and laugh. I don't care what you say girl...you were born to speak! You are such a blessing! And Deej...even though I'm very familiar with your presentations, tonight I was blown away. You spoke genuinely from the heart. We're all so excited to see where this takes us all! Thank you sooo much for coming to Houston!
(even though I didn't get to say bye!) Note to future attendees...take all your pictures with DJ before the program starts cuz the line is LLLLONG to see him after!!!
Traveling with a ton of your friends in a bus! So jealous!
Dude, just reading you write about how pumped you are makes me so stoked for you. This is your time hombre. Sooo happy for you!! :-)
We can officially say you started the tour with a BANG!! Pure genius---thanks so much for all the info and for all that you do. I wrote a little something on my blog if you want to check it out and I'll be emailing you the pic. Take care.
I didn't get a chance to meet you last night, but I wanted to say how much I enjoyed your presentation. I'm speaking to a group of 6th-12th grade art teachers in two weeks about blogging, and I felt that there was so much that you said that will be relevant to them as well. Thanks for getting my brain working again!
Wow! Could I be smiling any bigger in Kenny's pic?!? Perfectly captures how much fun I had meeting you guys! :) Thanks again for doing what you love!
Hi DJ , I signed up for the Charleston seminar but have just booked a wedding for that day . I will be in Boston when you are there can I go to that seminar instead?
Jay Curley jaycyns@gmail.com
DJ, Last night was AMAZING. I'm exhausted but energized all at the same time. THANK YOU. I'll post about you, Jasmine and the gang later this afternoon. I need time to find the right words...I was really blown away.
I'll post another comment or email you when I post and I'll send you pictures too.
Love from Houston, Sarah
[the girl in the yellow shirt!]
soooo awesome!!! We can't wait to see you guys in Dallas!!!
The seminar was amazing! I needed to hear everything you said! My business is changed forever. I can't wait to implement so many of the things that I took from last night. I'm still trying to take it all in...thanks for so much "good" stuff!!!!!
I'm free to succeed! Last night was such a great experience. I'm ready to get serious about building my brand. Thanks so much for sharing.
Hey Dj, it was great to finally meet you bro!! Thank for all the cool tips you shared with us and have fun on the rest of the tour!
I have pictures on my blog!
Have a great night in Austin.
your hand is seriously on brett's crotch. it's the "free to do other things" tour too!
wish i was there!!!
DJ, we had a blast! Katherine was right, you inspired and encouraged us. I can't wait to implement what I learned. So good to see a young man with drive, focus, character and a heart after God! You are a blessing!!!!!!!!!!! Michelle Peek
thank you thank you thank you!! We enjoyed listening to you guys so very much!! Thanks again!! Melissa Andries
Are you kidding me!?!?
Wow, I'm sitting here at the office, struggling to fight the inner voice shouting, "I'M NOT WORTHY, I'M NOT WORTHY"! Alas, I resist, for fear of having Jasmine come back to Houston to beat me with a stick! I can just hear her saying, "Shake what your mama gave you. Own it"!
Truly though, THANK YOU. Your comment on my blog (my very first ever--- finally, it's been devirginized! LOL) and to be even mentioned on yours. CRAZY good feeling! I did not expect that.
Whoever has not signed up, you are missing out. DJ and Jasmine are awesome, great, etc, etc, etc..... And I got pics with them (on blog). Just WOW!!
You gotta go!!
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