***update....it's 6am now and I just checked and over 7500 votes came in over night!***
OpenPhotoContest is going to be the end of me...not only because I'm already addicted to voting but because the bloody thing keeps crashing our server! lol...oh well....we're doing the best we can but with all the pictures being uploaded and voting algorithms happening it's bound to happen again...but go vote! OPC is seriously the best contest out there (I am biased) but seriously no where else can the community pick the winner!
It's so fun to see all the images - there are some incredible shots and it's free to vote so go check out the pics and get inspired!
Talk about addicting! It just keeps going and going and there are so many awesome photos, it is hard to stop! Rock On!!!!!
So much fun!!! Thanks for putting this together...
One question: I noticed that the photos I have in the contest are given a rating as the contest goes on... how does the rating work? What do the numbers mean???
Thanks DJ!
now back to more voting....
yeah man...total fun, but can you make a post or comment back about how the ratings function?
need 100% to win or is it just the highest percent? what?
thanks man! this rocks!
Highest score wins :)
that's so deep!
Larry is already completely addicted!
Any of you lucky photogs that happen to have a car in your photo, Larry in your corner. He always votes for the photo with a car in it.
(I'll have to remember that next time, so he'll vote for mine.)
Thanks DJ!
SO addicting!
I don't even know how long I was voting for...But it was a long time.
Picked out my faves while I was doing it.. I hope they win!!
One question though... there are catagories.. the instructions say to pick our favorites. I assume we pick our favorite that has to do with the category? Because sometimes all 4 photos don't have to do with the category. When I made it full screen, I didn't realize for about 45 minutes that it showed the category in the lower left corner. If category matters, maybe that should be pointed out somewhere.
All in all, good fun. Can't wait to see the winners!
DJ! Still not able to post on the forum for 2 days! Keeps throwing up database errors!
Any way we can sponsor the contest and give winners some Adobe training (not like they need it).
Let me know,
Steve Johnson
Glad to see someone else said something about the forum... I hope it is fixed soon! I am having withdrawls!
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