Happy New Year!
I've never felt more in love and more fulfilled with my "work" than I have this past week...and I know the words love and work seldom appear in the same sentence and I don't want anyone to freak out and think that I'm some workaholic and that I'm consumed with what I do because I'm really not....I am consumed with why I do it though.
I do what I do because God has given me these gifts and I feel that through working hard I honor Him. There are times when I'm lame and I gripe about stuff that I don't enjoy but this last week, even though it was busy and I had to miss Christmas with my family and shoot a couple weddings with a long day of traveling in-between, I felt more blessed and more inspired to work harder than ever before.
The wedding that JT Pals, Ken Krehbiel, and I shot last night was for the twin sister of a wedding that Tim and I shot in Hawaii earlier this year and the word beautiful doesn't even come close to describing this family.

Here's the slideshow!
I also wanted to let you know that because of the incredible growth we've had on OSP we get to upgrade the server again! I never would've imagined that we would have over 400 people join this community this year! So tonight we will do the transfer and tomorrow the server will be "propagating" so there will be some down time and that will be a good time for all of us to sit down and do some planning and goal setting! :)
I'll also be preparing a yearend newsletter so if you're not on the list be sure to go to www.davidjay.com and get signed up.
Much love to all of you and I look forward to meeting more and more of you in 2006!
Thanks for sharing with us. The images are outstanding, as usual, and I'm continually amazed that you're always able to come up with a signature "hill shot".
Last night was AWESOME!!!
What an amazing family, like you mentioned already!!
I had a blast spending New Years with you and Ken!
Thanks again for the invite David!
Dare I post some more pics!! ;-)
We love you too :)Even if you are a bit of a Nazi at times...
:) Thanks you guys!
JT- I have no idea what you are talking about but just FYI to everyone that JT is a photoshop master so be skeptical of any pictures he posts!!! :P
Blessed is a great way to describe it:) LOoks like you all had a blast. Happy New Year:)
Post JT Post!!!!!
I love all of thos, but especially the ones on the "hill"? Did you set up flash units somewhere. How is she lit?
Yup! :) Those are lit by a Canon 550 that JT was holding off to the side. I don't do this nearly enough but after seeing how these shots came out I'm definitely gonna bring it out more!
Man you just give me chills everytime I see one of your slideshows!!! Ruth
hey david, finally got on...I have 50mm 1.4 and was wondering why you carry a 85 mm...awesome site and your realness of God in your endeavors is an encouragement...
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