Hey Everyone!!!
Showit is HERE!!! Thank you thank you thank you for being so patient with me! I've never done anything like this and there were so many i's to dot and t's to cross...not to mention x's and o's for Forest to masterfully program into Photoshop to make this thing work so well! :)
I'm sending this email from the lobby of our hotel in New York because I was so excited to let you all know! We're on our way to shoot in Rhode Island this weekend but stopped off here to shorten the trip a bit - and quite a trip it's been! :)

As a way of saying thank you to the OpenSourcePhoto community I am offering $50 off to all members who invite one new person to join OSP before August 21st, 2005!
Also, because I want the newly reffered members to feel the true OSP love I will also offer them a $30 discount so long as they order Showit and post a welcome message in the "All About You" category before August 21st, 2005.
The $50/$30 will be refunded after the purchase.
In the weeks to come I'll also be offering some really useful additions to Showit so stick around OSP for sneak previews and happy slideshowing in the meantime!
Showit...always a crowd pleaser! :)